1/7/2025Building our prolife son and daughter homelands all our lives with bended knees wanting our son and daughter homelands not to fall down. Hoping the weather be good and our 70,000$ and lower dad, mom, son, daughter prolife homelands. Love shall remain. RestoreOurHomelands.com . We are neighbors of Jesus, May our prolife homelands be good, That's a prayer Attention homelands. All our lives sickness can be gone neighborhoods can be good . com .Mothers, sisters, fathers,sons built our homelands. .same sex marriges wrong direction both sides of the boarders. Homelands need BreakfastLunch and dinner and good activity . com Good policy for our homelands and our lives. Prolife safe male nd female safe harbors and homelands .We are all neighbors of Jesus childbirth. Same sex marriages, abortion glamore sex messes son and daughter homelands are not about sex, sex, sex. Restore Our Homelands . Sickness can be gone neighborhoods can be good . com . Men and woman. All our oxygen ocean prolife, breakfast, lunch and dinner, plumbing homelands need attention so they don;t fall down. People are not thinking about having sexy, sexy, sexy homelands. Night and day strip clubs are not beautiful. RestoreOurHomelands.com . Safe harbors for prolife male and female sailors, We need to save water, food, electricity and fix our winter, spring, summer, autumn, son and daughter city, town, village homelands so they don't fall down. It's not time for sex, sex, sex. Our school, economy, homeland systems, our 70,00 and lower worker systems are prolife, dad, mom, son, daughter systems. Not same sex marriage systems. Neighbors of Jesus systems not a Florida teachers system flooded with money . We r all neighbors of rugged hard work, breakfast, lunch and dinner, many a little over weight. Neighbors of plumbing & Jesus. May our homelands b good. RestoreOurHomelands.com .We don't need 9 to 10 children each. How many abortions did our homelands have. We all need Restore Our Homelands com . Life is not spelt naked. Quality speed of life is prolife. Call to action. Daily, weekly, monthly good activity. Say a prayer before each meal. Thankyou God for breakfast,lunch and dinner, thanksgiving,Christmas and Easter that we have recieved from your bounty through Jesus Christ our lord and savior for past, present and future blessings and male and female love amen. Pass out RestoreOurHomelands.com flyers and BreakfastLunchAndDinnerAndGoodActivity flyers.Live and work for our homelands to be good. Run for office. AbundantLifeBusiness.com . We need our homelands to be good for the birds, bees, flowers, trees and children dad, moms. Internet strip club toxicity is no good for our homelands. Life is not spelt naked. Wrong directions with our homelands with same sex marriages everyday. May we be healthy population growth people. Oxygen prolife goverment homelands and oceans need attention. We need to fix our son and daughter city, town and village homelands. All are son and daughter city, town and village homelands. So they dont fall down. Tar, concrete, buildings used to be oxygen plants and etc. We can landscape our buildings etc. . We don't need 9 to 10ish children each. Good population expansion. ,Don't overpopulate your lover your friend. Things, tools, food, etc. Cheaper by the dozen. RestoreOurHomelands.com . Same sex marriages wrong directions. We need rootless oxygen plants etc. for our nations etc. high rises etc. . Strip clubs, same sex marriages, bad cable, internet, radio, tv, bad for our homelands, economy, community . Good policy. Sickness Can Be Gone Neighborhoods Can Be Good . com RestoreOurHomelands.com People and goverments have been getting flooded with sex and money . We don't need 10 cent porno shows in burning buildings. Voting manipulation, same sex marriages bad cable, radio, tv etc. sickening our homelands. We need RestoreOurHomelands.com LetsMakeOurSonAndDaughterStatesAndHomelandsGreat.com Super large Cash credit card stores & businesses. All selling Dad, mom, son daughter stuff that took years & years & yeasrs to develope. We dont need 9 to 10ish children apiece .We dont need 3 shopping carts of food each. Fix the economy for our dad,mom,son,daughter homelands foundation. Same sex marriages, abortion, glamore sex messes our homelands. .!0cent porno shows are poison for our homelands. Strip clubs are striping our economies and homelands right before our very eyes. A person went into a strip club to order a soda. Everyone stood up and said are you kidding strip clubs are supposed to be closed. The strip clubs mess our economies and homelands. RestoreOurHomelands.com . This website is well advertised. You can help spread it too. We are all. neighbors of Jesus , may Washington D.C. come alive. Saturday in the park youd think it was the fourth of july. Wrong directions with same sex marriages Terrible mistake. RestoreOurHomelands.com This website is built to help our winter, spring, summer homelands have a good future. That's what we built our homelands for. Dads,moms didn't ask us for breakfast, lunch and dinner money and gave us clothing, building and donating. SicknessCanBeGoneNeighborhoodsCanBeGood.com BreakfastLunchAndDinnerAndGoodActivity.com RestoreOurHomelands.com . Our son and daughter governments need to fix our city, town and village homelands so they don't fall down. People taking their coffee breaks and vacations in the wrong directions with same sex marriages etc.. Messes people in their sex energy and causes transgender wrong direction .sadness. Woman should have equal pay. Messes the economy and community same sex marriages. We can put my website on te Advent calender. Restore Our Homelands . com. .SicknessCanBeGoneNeighborhoodsCanBeGood.com .We need our homelands to be healthy population growth people. Wrong God blessed direction with same sex marriages.10 cent porno shows did not make our schools, colleges, universities or homelands. Kindergarden to 12 grade, colleges, universities,city, town, villages got here by rugged tuff prolife, dad, mom hard work and Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter graces. Don't be decieved by same sex marriages. We don't need 10 cent porno shows messing our homelands. Dad mom birthday suit education is our lives journey. Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, making neighborhood homelands good is not just a dream. .Our white house flags are Freedom, love and goodnesss. Please donate. Go to RestoreOurHomelands.com to do that to help spread this network website. You can also spread this website yourself. Thank you. We dont need 3 shopping carts of food apiece

We can fix Long Island from here. Male and female sailors need good homelands, good harbors. Dads, moms built our homelands and cities, towns, and villages prolife back breaking rugged hard work . Bad cable. Same sex marrages, ,abortion gllamore sex is antichrist po[icy. Messes miss America etc. Jesus the star of the stars in the sky. We are all neighbors of Jesus the jew. White as snow having intamicy with love. Italy we all need restore our homelands . com . Get this good policy to them to get them to continue the work that homelands have been trying to do all along. We don't need cheap junky movies that cost millions to make. Good neighborhoods for dads, moms, children, sons and daughters. Get Dignitaries , diplomats, ambassadors, eyc. to fix their homelands. It's in everyone's best interest to RestoreOurHomelandsViralItPlease.com , so they don't fall down. Queens marrying queens, men marrying men messes homelands. What was that load crashing noise, that was same sex marriages and abortion glamore sex crashing into the white house and, wall st. strip houses mess homelands. Top of our mountain homelands we built them, same sex marriages wrong directions. Stop cursing our homelands, dads, moms, sons, daughters communities, economies with same sex marriages, and abortion glamore sex. We know life is not about sex, sex, sex. May we be healthy population growth people. Canada, Mexico, China, Ma., RI., etc. Tik Tok & cable, radio, tvs, need to be Home and garden, fix our old and new neighborhoods. Plenty of tools to do so. Childless cities, worker shortage cities, transgenders caused by same sex marriages, abortion glamore sex no good for our homelands. RestoreOurHomelands.com . Newspapers, radios, tvs. Wrong direction night and day with same sex marriages. Bad policy. Restoreourhomelands.com is with our homelands. Fathers & mothers ,sons & daughters ,Gods loving goodness. We are heterosexuals . Single or with the opposite sex . We are not drunkards or playboys or play girls .Dad, mom, children homelands every were we go. People hold our homelands together. Prolife is how the marathon got here not same sex marriages. Democrats go here . RestoreOurHomelands.com .. Thousands and thousands and thousands plus clicks on this website a month. BreakfastLunchAndDinnerAndGoodActivity.com Things, cities can stop being messed etc. Male ,female, love & goodness .Grace of God. People have been messing people & making them broken. Male & females refreshed by the grace of God. Be holier than the vatican including Italy,.HolyGhostHolySpirit.com . We are heterosexuals. Single or with the opposite sex., The vatican is scalywagoning peoples minds including father Francis. So are newspaper's, radios, tvs, satalites. Weallneedzerotosevenishchildren.com . Monday night football, National basketball is a disaster .Wrong directions, wrong instructions with Same sex marriages, abortion glamore sex disasterous.
People can see the community disruption abortion has made in China Male population growth and around the world homeland communities of son's and daughters.
WeAllNeedZeroToSevenishChildren.com homelands for our homelands. Good policy for our homelands future.

RestoreOurHomelands.com Creating good son's and daughters. Same sex marriages, abortion glamore sex, bad cable wrong directions. We are all sons and daughters be good sons and daughters.
RestoreOurHomelands.com . Bad cable tv, same sex marriages, abortion glamore sex bad for our homelands. Bad policies causing storms . Homelands don't need wild parties. We all need http://RestoreOurHomelands.com Viral it please . Cable companies and cruise ships don't need wild parties.
Neither do the 50,000$ and lower workers.
WeBuiltThisPlaceForEachOther.com . Same sex marriages, abortion glamore sex wrong directions.
May our son, daughter goverment homelands be father, mother, son daughter merry Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter homelands. Forgiveness, love and goodness.
We are all dad, mom, son, daughter population growth people. We are not homosexuals or lesbians. Same sex marriages, abortion glamore sex wrong direction. We have better things to be doing than woman fingering woman and men fingering men.
Wally is not supposed to finger Leave it to Beaver. That Wally kazams our newspaper, radio, tv satalite dish Leave it to Beaver homelands.
Wrong directions, wrong instructions. Santos being married to a woman while he texted his boy friend may be fake news.
Http://BreakfastLunchAndDinnerAndGoodNeighborhoods.com Same sex marriages, Abortion glamore sex, Wrong directions, wrong instructions.
RestoreOurHomelands.com .WeBuiltThisPlaceForEachOther.com .BreakfastLunchAndDinnerAndGoodActivity.com . Ma., R.I., White house, China Mexico, etc. Mountain tops and
both sides of the desert need RestoreOurHomelands.com SicknessCanBeGoneNeighborhoodsCanBeGood.com . Is with the neighborhoods night and day. Same sex marriages, abortion glamore sex wrong directions, wrong instructions. China all of us need SicknessCanBeGoneNeighborhoodsCanBeGood.com .Http://WeAllNeedZeroToSevenishChildren.com . Not 9 to 10 children each of us. A time to reframe from embracing.
Restore our homelands .. Http://RestoreOurHomelands.com Pleasesharemywebsite.org .
Massachusetts, R.I. Whitehouse etc. http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.com . http://AbundantLifeBusiness.com . Prolife is how we all got here . WeBuiltThisPlaceForEachOther.com .
President Truman , and his wife with
DO it til it's clean. We don't need wild parties .
A time to reframe from embracing.
Same sex marriages, sex abortion glamore sex wrong directions. Walk in showering tubes. Good. Homelands plumbing good for future generations.

I'd like to take you all landscaping etc. ! We need to fix our ozone layer so our planet live's ! Population growth effect's not only our ozone layer it effect's everything we do ! We all need landscaping and be healthy about population growth ! http://qualityhoneybeebeehivelandscapingplanet.info http://loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info P.S. Don't forget to fix the Ocean's .
A tip for you . Six month plan to get some toning exercise, fasting and things going good . Do that your self a little each day toning exercise and get things going good . The six month plan starts again every day for life . Remember on the horizon there is extensive movement going on to get us energy pills that conquer all diseases and get us also living for literally hundreds and hundreds of years .
Fix this that and te other thing . Dads and moms , son sand daughters did . That's how everything got here .

Perfect Father God wants us to be healthy and have good neighborhoods.

Disturbing the ecosystem & money system. Abortion, same sex marriage vacations.
Our dad , mom prolife homelands. Newspapers, Radios, tv needs to be prolife. Hitler abortion world sadness. Dads, moms prolife at least once is how we got here.
Building, donating many dads, moms didn't play much, sports, playground homelands .RestoreOurHomelands.com .Same sex marriages, sex abortion, glamore sex messes our homeland's.

Restoreourhomelands.com .Democrats & both sides of the walls need prolife. Abortion leads to Hitler. Sex abortion glamore sex, same sex marriages wrong direction. Life is not about sex, sex, sex. Built our communities with our cloths on. Dad and mom , son and daughter fruited plains .
Terrible , 14 years of disasters plus with same sex marriages. http://twitter.com/worldnews2night .
Community . Booth sides of the walls, highways & highway departments , streets & city, town & village halls.
When Iris eyes are smiling, we can care about soldiers. It's not a sex abortion strip club same sex marriage homelands. Messed Afganistan etc. Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com. http://twitter.com/worldnews2night . Close our strip clubs etc . Fix dad, mom birthday suit homelands
Http://twitter.com/worldnews2night .Newspapers, radios, TV's. Wrong direction, same sex marriages & abortion sex glamore sex.
Standing next to the rich & the poor building things for each other. Lovers have intimacy without causing a pregnancy or abortion all homelands Http://purplemountainsmajesty.com .
Newspapers, radios, & TVs ,City ,town & village halls

Terrible mistake , same sex marriages and abortion same sex glamore show.
We're not strip club abortion , same sex marriage glamore sex , tv , radio , newspaper show homelands .
News papers , radio's , TV's.
All the inventions to have a good dad & mom, son & daughter homeland future have heavily effected our dad & mom, son & daughters 50,000$ & lower dad & mom, son & daughter homelands.
Same sex marriages terrible mistake & sex glamore show abortion's.
http://weallneedzerotosevenishchildren.com .
Both sides of the white house walls, Berlin walls, Mexican walls, China walls. Ma. Walls R.I. walls. etc. Need RestoreOurHomelands.com .

http://webuiltthisplaceforeachother.com .

Team working 50,000$ and lower people very important people. Not afraid to do more than others and not afraid to do more than their share.
The gathering of a city, town, village work crew to restore a neighborhood paving site etc. is extradinary grace .
Restoreourhomelands.com . Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter is with us everyday.
Same sex marriages , abortion messes son's and daughter's homelands . Community .

Moscow , etc. We are all son's & daughter's .
Dads & moms prolife homelands . Male & female mountain tops That's how we got here . What did we do
What we need
Wrong direction same sex marriages & abortion sex glamore show , We need to fix our homelands .

May your future be good .
We are son's and daughter's .
Thanksgiving , Christmas and Easter is with us .

Joe Biden is teaching our children and all nation's to get it in the wrong hole . Literally messed our Afganistan victory and put the world economy in the hole . Terrible Joe .
We all need to be good about our dad and mom birthday suit , homeland activity .
http://SicknessCanBeGoneNeighborhoodsCanBeGood.com .
We've been down the road building things for dad's , mom's and son's and daughters .
http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com .

The rich and the poor , http://WeBuiltThisPlaceForEachother.com .
to have good old and new
neighborhoods for dads and moms and sons and daughters . Same sex marriages , wrong directions , wrong instructions .
We need to fix our old and new dad and mom , son and daughter neighborhood homeland's so they don't fall down. We are all son's and daughter's , not homosexuals or lesbian's .
Hormones in people milk and meat creating transgender people , homosexuals and lesbian's wrong direction .

Mind rectification .
Life is not a sex , sex , abortion , abortion glamore show with same sex marriages .
Let's get things back on track .
May our homeland's be good .
May you have a good day and future .

Both side's off the wall's , under and over the bridges , with the North Pole and South Pole , we all need Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com . Please don't overpopulate your lover your friend and your neighbors . So dad's and mom's and children have Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com
http://BreakfastLunchAndDinnerAndGoodActivity.com .
http://WeAllNeedZeroToSevenishChildren.com .

88tOctoSbera u09, ol20s0mmr1ehd1  Â· 
Shared with Your friends
Love has been with us from the beginning! May we be filled with love! Filled with love for the birth proccess and the orphans! http://www.twitter.com/gdnaborhdplanet

Abortion , abortion leads 2 sex , sex, homeland problems. Same sex marriages creates transgender people & homosexuals & lesbian's.
Messes world Wide economy and homelands .
We're not homosexuals , lesbians or transgenders . We are dads and moms and sons and daughters . We built this place for each other .

http://twitter.com/worldnews2night http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com .

Dad's and mom's , son's and daughter's need Http://purplemountainsmajesty.com . The Irish and their neighbors , you and I need automatic tri- axles , woman and men truck drivers
Goodwill coat and a good will website .
Male and female mountain tops .
It's never been about sex , sex , sex .
Sahra Palin
A true woman's liberator .
She should have won the election , not Obama .
Hope for Afganistan .
With my website .
Sons and daughters all are we .
Be holier than our elders , male and female .
We are all son's and daughter's . We all need
Same sex marriages wrong direction , don't overpopulate your lover your friend .

With law and order we can make our homelands 2x's , 10x's , 100x's , plus greater better .
Pro-life , forgiveness love and goodness is law and order .
http://Purplemounainsmajesty.com . Male and female mountain tops .
http://sicknesscanbegoneneighborhoodscanbegood.com .

No Substitute for Quality .
Keep trying until you get there .

Wrong to turn children and teachers into transgender people , lesbians , homosexuals and abortion objects .
We are fathers and mothers , sons and daughters . We are not homosexuals or lesbians . Homosexual and lesbian activity is just a sad mistake .
http://Weallneedzerotosevenishchildren.com .

We need to work and get homeland's to be self running automonous http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com homeland's .

Communities need State of the Art , dad and mom birthday suit education . Our unity foundation for all people .

All Common Law marriages .
Dad and mom birthday suit homelands .
Rich marry the rich Rich marry the poor . Poor marry the poor . Poor marry the rich .
WE built the place for each other for 8000 years so dads and moms and sons and daughters could have everything they need . Good old and new country neighborhoods . We need to fix our old and new dad and mom , son and daughter country neighborhoods so they don't fall down . We built the place for each other .
Love and friendship community .
Thanksgiving , Christmas and Easter is with us . http://Sicknesscanbegoneneighborhoodscanbegood.com .
http://Breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.com .

A tip for you . Six month plan to get toning exercise and things going good . Do that your self a little each day toning exercise and get things going good . The six month plan starts again every day for life . Remember on the horizon there is extensive movement going on to get us energy pills that conquer all diseases and get us also living for literally hundreds and hundreds of years .
Fix this that and te other thing . Dads and moms , son sand daughters did . That's how everything got here .

Countries large and small should have good fire safety plans for large and small buildings .
A safety plan for every ten floors may be good already in place to prevent fires and to put out fires .

Make way for the workers the importaint work get's done .

Every home could use a water recycler .

Good solar panel light bulbs that light up solar panels night and cloudy days .
You light up my life .
Royalties please .

Judges have been in and out of sickness all our lives .
Our soup kitchen , restaurant dad and mom , son and daughter Homeland economies got sick .
Wrong direction with same sex marriages and abortion getting woman pregnant every 9 to 1 months .
Original hometown workers built the place .
Let's make it 100x's plus greater and fix our

What do dad , mom , son and daughter workers have in common ?
We all need to fix our homelands so they don't fall down . We built our homelands . Same sex marriages wrong directions . Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com .

Plenty of quality tools and stuff to fix our dad and mom , son and daughter old and new neighborhoods . Big machines making them all . http://Sicknesscanbegoneneighborhoodscanbegood.com . Many of us need good toning exercises . http://GoodActivity.info Tons of dad , mom , son , daughter overtime and the road system is how we got all our quality tools and stuff . Our multibillion dollar road system sidewalks are good for toning . Cheap recreational exercise .

Transgender , turning people into transgender , homosexuals , lesbians comes from same sex marriages . International tragedy . Getting woman pregnant every 9 to 1 months with abortion , international disaster . Abortion , abortion abortion international tragedy . Same sex marriages is also responsible for causing and creating transgender people out of our grand children .
We are all grand children .
Also same sex marriages causes mouth , throat , stomach , blood and Alzheimer problems .
We don't have to be married to be good neighbors .

Good eaten and good works and fix our old and new neighborhood homelands .
Http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com . Share copy and paste .

Fix this that and the other thing . Dads and moms did . Abortion makes more problems . Sad operation . Leads to sex , sex , sex problems like same sex marriages and disruption of the world economy vacation community . Http://WeAllNeedZeroToSevenishChildren.com .

Governor Deval did not build it . Dads and moms sons and daughters built it . Same sex marriages did not build it . Communism and Nazism and overpopulating woman and men lopsided the world economy and vaction system and community with same sex marriages . Abortion is a sad operation .
We all need
http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com . Http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com . Deval wrong direction for 20 years . Same sex marriages terrible mistake . messes the place .

Transgender person and corona virus comes from same sex marriages and abortion abortion , abortion and sex , sex , sex . Messes the world economy .
Sickness can disappear , neighborhoods can be good . Time to refrain from embracing . Julie Hall Should of won the election with my website

The inaugural was a wrong direction ceremony .
Http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Our rich and poor male and female wanted us to have and kings and queens Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com . Http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com .
Sickness can be gone , people can be free from mistakes .

Wrong direction with our dad and mom birthday suit homelands .
Time to refrain from embracing and not over populate your lover your friend . Sickness can be gone . neighborhoods can be good .
Wrong direction with same sex marriages . Messes up the world wide economy .
Pro Creator
Sickness can disappear , neighborhoods can be good . Same sex marriages and abortion. , sex , sex , sex is where conora virus came from . How sad is that ..Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com . Sickness can disappear , neighborhoods can be good . Time to refrain from embracing .
Let's fix our old and new dad and mom neighborhood homelands . Fix our homelands so our homelands don't fall down .

Our rich and poor male and female teachers wanted us to have
Same sex marriages wrong direction .

Massachusetts let America down . We need to revive Boston .
No support from the republican Governor for the Republic citizens of Massachusetts . The true problem with the election and other republican leaders . Lead to the D.C. mess . Sad but true . Julie Hall Should have won the election with loads of help from beacon hill . We need to revive Boston etc... http://BreakfastLunchAndDinnerAndGoodActivity.com .

We are not supposed to be sex , sex , sex .
That's where auortion , abortion , abortion came from and conora virus and same sex marriages .
We all need http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com .
Not supposed to be getting woman pregnant every nine months .

Stars in the sky male and female all nations . Never has been about sex , sex , sex .
O'bama and Ellen went in the wrong direction .
Homes for the homeless rich and poor .
We all need
http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com .
Wrong direction with same sex marriages .

Never has been about sex , sex , sex .
O'bama and Ellen went in the wrong direction .
We all need

We are all dad and mom , children , son and daughter city , town and village people and need to make it 100x's plus greater . We all need Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com .
Please share copy and paste . Thank you .

Sickness can begone . Neighborhood's can be good .
We're not about sex , sex , sex .
People can be free from mistakes .
Abortion is a sad operation .

Our rich and poor teachers taught us to want China to be a good dad and mom children nation all these http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com years .
Not just good china on the table .
http://WeAllNeedZeroToSevenishChildren.com Time to refrain from embracing .

Our rich and poor male and female teachers drove down the http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com wanting us to have http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com Soldiers homeland prayer . Dads and moms hope .

Sound of music .
Climb every mountain . We all need Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com .
You are not the community . You are part of the community .
Do your part .

The Treasury Department and all the Department's need to be

The whole school system and everyone is supposed to be
http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com .

Sound of music .
Climb every mountain . We all need Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com .
You are not the community . You are part of the community .
Do your part .

I love the Queens and kings and my neighbors .
We all need
Thr preachers told me I'd be blessed . If Moscow is peeking just tell them they need my website . Peking China too .

How many kids do you have . How many kids do they have .
Let's unmess the place . Orphans are citizens too . Fix the place .

Please promote and share .
I didn't manipulate the voting process .

Alcohol and drugs don't belong on the road system . http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.comhttp://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com . http://WeAllNeedZeroToSevenishChildren.comPlease promote and share .

2000$ checks in this state of emergency for dad and mom and children and sons and daughters . Time to refrain from embracing . We all need http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com

Plenty of land for expantion . Plenty of land for landfills .
Http:/goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com .
Time to refrain from embracing . Not supposed to be sex , sex , sex . Same sex marriages . Single dads and moms and dads and moms built the place . Not supposed to be getting woman pregnant every 9 months . The cities got messed , they can stop being messed .

Been down the road helping , building old and new dad and mom , children old and new neighborhoods .

God bless America , to the mountains , to the prairies to the oceans white with foam , God bless America my home sweet home . God bless America , my home sweet home .
We all need http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com .

Princess Dianna wanted and our rich and poor teachers wanted us to have http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com . Obama messed the wedding cake dad and mom , brother and sister homelands .Dad and mom royal weddings all our lives . The city got messed and messed Obama . Rich and poor people need

We all need
Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com . Fix dad and mom and chilren old and new neighborhoods so the planet don't fall down . Corona virus comes from homosexuality and lesbianism . Sex , sex , sex , vacation , vacation , vacation and abortion , abortion , abortion , over populating mothers , daughters , aunts , seniors sisters , fathers , sons , uncles , seniors an brothers . http://WeAllNeedZeroToSevenishChildren.com

A good new years resolution .
All our rich and poor teachers wanted us to have
A good new years resolution . Http://purplemountainsmajesty.com

Sickness can be gone . Neighborhoods can be good .

Joe Bidden and Obama wear crockerdial shoes .
Hitler wore crockerdial shoes .
Abortion , abortion , abortion , sex , sex , sex, same sex marriages , wrecks dads , moms and children neighborhood homelands .
That's where corona virus comes from .
We all need

2000$ checks will go back into the community .

We have been in and out of the bathrooms and neighborhoods all our live's and built this
Let's make it 100x's plus greater . http://WeAllNeedZeroToSevenishChildren.com

The language for our neighborhood homelands is

Dads and moms , the original hometown workers .
May our grandchildren could have a good future .

Free enterprize is not a dirty word .
Not supposed to be same sex marriages , not supposed to be abortion , abortion , abortion ,
not suppossed to be sex , sex , sex .
Thats where conora virus came from .
Abortion is a sad operation .
A time to refrain from embracing .

Time to save fortunes from politics .
Everything we touch all our lives is our http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com .
For all nations . Rich and poor male , female teachers taught us to have .
Http://purplemountainsmajesty.com http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.com . Fix our old and new dad, mom children neighborhood homelands so they don't fall down .

Law and order . Dads and moms ,sons and daughters and children for dads and moms , sons and daughters and children . Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.comHttp://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.comHttp://purplemountainsmajesty.com
Abortion is a sad operation .

There's a time to refrain from embracing .
Everybody at the top need to be
Abortion is a sad operation .

Homes for the homeless named http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com Loads of quality tools and stuff to fix our dad, mom son and daughter , ocean , orphan neighborhood homelands so they don"t fall down .

We have identified the problem .
Our government has been taken off it's
Dad , mom , son and daughter , aunt , uncle , grandma , grandpa , children , citizen foundation . Abortion is a sad operation .
May love and mercy get us back on tract .
People can get back on tract .
homes for the homeless named http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighboroods.com Not supposed to be same sex marriages . Not supposed to be abortion , abortion , abortion , sex , sex , sex . Http://WeAllNeedZeroToSevenishChildren.com Not supposed to be overpopulating mothers , daughters , aunts , seniors and sisters , fathers , sons , uncles , seniors and brothers . Http://purplemountainsmajesty.comHttp://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.comHttp://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com The Supreme Court can agree .

Http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.com for our grandchildren and citizens sakes .

The homeless and all citizens ( all ) need
Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com Http://beautifulgermanlandscaping.info
Dads , moms , sons and daughters don't belong out in the streets . Http://purplemountainsmajesty.com Http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com Http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.com

Jesus is male and female , people .

Maintenance people are essential workers .
Worth their weight in gold .
Dads and moms , Sons and daughters
Built the God blessed place . http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com

Rino republican Governor's have done the people injustice misrepresenting the people . Http://purplemountainsmajesty.com Republican in name only . Rino . http://letsmakeAmericagreatagain.info Put the tax rate at an affordable vilunteer amount . Let's do it for the grandchildren . We are all grandchildren .

Washington D.C.
Voting fraud is every where .

Http://PleaseGoToMy.Website China etc. needs my website so our old and new homelands don't fall down .
Not evicting gramma's , grampa's , dad's , mom's and children .
I didn't manipulate the voting process . Good for the whole homelands .
Community. .

Attention Donald Trump and citizens . We need a recount
for Julie Hall .
4th district Massachusetts
Congressional race .Republican .
News worthy story . http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet,com http://purplemountainsmajesty.com http://loveshallremail.info .

One lady in the North Attleboro city hall counting the votes just the other day .
Rigged against the citizens and family . Acting like we have no problems .
Mitt Romney and George Bush in the wrong direction .
Republican Governor in the wrong direction . Wish they were my website .
Http.//PleaseGoToMyWebsite.org .

Every piece of clothing we ever took off or put on is our
Dads and moms don't belong broke all over their homelands .
We need to fix our http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com so our old and new neighborhoods don't fall down .
Corona virus comes from abortion, abortion , abortion , sex , sex , sex , vacation , vacation , vacation , same sex marriages and over populating men and woman .
Needs to be community not communism .

Please donate . Non tax deductable . To help educate and help the fifty thousand and lower people .

The corona masks first showed up in the catholic churches of China . Law and order .
Forced abortions . Obama blew a fuse with overpopulating mothers , daughters , aunts , seniors and sisters , fathers , sons , uncles , seniors and brothers , and abortion , abortion , abortion and same sex marriages .
Should be zero to sevenish children . Good homeland spirit .
China cursing the homelands .
We are all supposed to stand at our football games and
National Anthems because we are all called to be good neighbor's . Same sex marriages is wrong . Forgiveness , love and goodness .
Now is the time for all good men and woman to come to the aid of their homelands .
Dads and moms , sons and daughters and children are citizens too .
Time to rephrame from embracing and time to fix our homelands . Men and woman of goodwill .

Father Francis and all of us need to be

Seven year plan .
Start everyday to fix this , that and the other thing to get things going .
At the end of the day Start again our seven year plan .
Fix this that and the other thing .
Dad's and mom's did . Let's make it 100 X's plus greater .
May you have a hearty life . Http://HoneyLifeCoach.info Http://SevenYearPlan.info http://abundatlifebusiness.com
Thanksgiving , Christmas and Easter is with us . Love for our dad and mom son and daughter homelands .

A spy was looking for the best toilet seat for the whole planet for dads and moms and children to have good homelands.
He pulled out his cell phone and saw
and knew he found what he was looking for .

Don't overpopulate . Messes the world wide economy ans so doesn't same sex marriages .
0 to sevenish children .
Forgiveness , love and goodness .
Rich and poor teachers male and female wanted us to have http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com
so our old and new dad and mom children , ocean orphan neighborhood homelands get 100 x's plus greater .

Please promote this website all over the land and ocean .

18 years of going in the wrong direction . Bonus's , bonus's , bonus's , vacations , vacations , vacations , sex , sex , sex internet , same sex marriages lead to early tax bills for the dad and mom tax payers .

Obama , Joe Bidden , Governor Baker are taking the planet off it's economic and society foundation . Catastrophes because of them . People can be free from sam sex marriages and homosexuality and lesbianism .

Click here for a free investment website and stock please . http://investgetjobsandtheeconomygoing.com
We all need Http:/goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com Http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.comHttp://purplemountainsmajesty.com

Obama forced insurance made the economy sick .
Obama forced same sex marriages made peoples minds sick . Unnatural activity creating homosexuals and lesbians out of our dad and mom grandchildren night and day .
Obama , abortion , abortion , abortion .
Bad love and touch behavior made China sick and so did the sex , sex , sex internet .
Sex education is supposed to be dad and mom birthday suit education we needed not disrupting the foundation of our minds , hearts , bodies and civilization planet .
Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com is what rich and poor male and female teachers taught us all our lives .

We need our focus back . We are dad and mom and children neighborhood homelands . .http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.comHttp://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.comHttp://purplemountainsmajesty.comHttp://purplemountainsmajesty.info

Most of the URL's are back links to this major website .

Dad and mom , brother and sister a neighbor , children , ocean orphan homelands .
so the planet doesn't fall down .
The cities got messed and can stop being messed .
Please don't overpopulate your lover your friend . It's bad for your stress level .
Miles to go before the oceans fixed .
May you have abundant life , faith , hope and love community .
Our dad and mom children ocean orphan homelands .
Please don't overpopulate your lover your friend .

Zero to sevenish children is very good for us .
Abortion is a sad operation .
Creating homosexuals and lesbians night and day wrong direction wrong instructions .
Fix our old and new dad and mom neighborhoods so the planet don't fall down and get the whole world economy going .
Load's of quality tools to fix our and new dad and mom children ocean orphan homelands .
Make the place 100x's plus greater .
Free enterprize is not a dirty word .
We can fix our old and new neighborhoods with dumpsters and recycleling and refurbishing our neato dad and mom children ocean orphan stuff .
That's what our rich annd poor male and female teachers wanted us to have and that's what we need .
Love for the opposite sex .

Father of disasters is what Obama and Joe Bidden
made themselves and its the sad truth ever scince same sex marriages and abortion like Hitler .
Don't get woman pregnant every nine months . 0 to sevenish children is very good for us .
We need to fix our dad and mom homelands .

A neat thing about eating about three tablespoons of honey a week is it not only nurishes us it helps get the whole honey business and ecology going for future generations from here to moscow , around the world and back again . Loads of rich and poor teaches taught us to have good dad and mom brother and sister neighborhoods that my website is helping to be community .

Dad and mom and children lives matter .
We need to be healthy neighborhoods so our planet doesn't fall down .
We fit together like a puzzle and need to be healthy about it .
That's how we and our God blessed neighborhoods got here .
Thank God .
We get more work done with our cloths on .
May you have a hearty life and good neighborhoods for our children . We are on our dad and mom , children ocean orphan neighborhood planet .
Dad and mom and children lives matter .
Kentuckey fried chicken for this whole http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com .
Beacon hill went in the wrong direction .
We all need to care about our young http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com
The workers planet needs to up the price on maraujna and fix our
Marajuana and alcohol don't belong on the job site and the roads .
We all need
It needs to be A Nation Under God and God Back In Our School System . God IS BEAUTIFUL . So Are Our songs .
God Bless America And Our Nieghbors .
Sons And Daughters Of God .
Fountain Of Youth .
We are losing the foundation of our minds and society with same sex marriages and abortion .

That's where corona virus and alzhiehmers came from no dought .
Abortion , abortion , abortion (great sadnness ) .
Overpopulating your lover your friend (zero to sevenish children is very good for us ) .
Corona virus and Alzhiehmers also came from sex , sex , sex internet etc. ...  Forgiveness , love and goodness . The place got messed and can stop being messed ......

See More  We get more work done with our cloths on . May you have a hearty day .

Let's get back on trac .

Corona virus came from sex , sex , sex , overpopulating your lover , abortion , abortion , abortion and same sex marriages . Over populating dads and moms and sons and daughters  with bills . The original home town workers . It's about fixing our old and new dad and mom neighborhoods so the planet don't fall down . Dads and moms are citizens too . Beacon hill ,  Germany etc. ... supposed to be my website . http://BeautifulGermanLandscaping.info

May the mountains be good for dads , moms and children . Let's not talk to much and fix our old and new dad , mom neighborhood homelands . http://Pleasegotomy.website http://Pleasegotomywebsite.org

Don't just sit there . May the mountains be good for dads , moms and children .
Fix the , house , attic , basement , gararge , car , yard .
Fix this that and the other thing . Dads and moms did .
Wearing the corona masks can cause corona like sytems .
May the mointains be good for dads , moms and children .
We need to stop our old and new dad , mon and children neighborhood homelands from falling down May the mountains be good for dads , moms and children .
Fix Boston etc. ...
Our teachers prayer .

All our lives we wish and pray for people to have



Flyods brother asked us all .
What are we all doing .
We all need http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com
Martin Luther King Jr. and our teachers wanted us to have
John F Kennedy wanted us to have good dad , mom and children nations .

Obama , Devaul , and Dumas took vacations with abortion , same sex marriages , and messed the dad , mom and childrren homelands and economy communities .
We all need http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com .
They messed the place on Floyds family and neighbors .

 We need to fix our dad , mom , children homelands so they don't fall down .
Loads of quality tools to do so .

Our teachers taught us to be holier than our elders .
Things that mess up community and economy minds .
Abortion is a sad operation .
Same sex marriages is in the wrong direction .
Sex , sex , sex is wrong .
Don't overpopulate your lover your friend .
We are part of the community , we are not the economy .
We need to get jobs going .
May our mountains be

Woh boy , woh girl .

It's not about sex , sex , sex .

We have about nine billion people out there . We need to be good dad and mom communities so our homelands don't fall down .

We need to make it 100x's better . Same sex marriages mess our dad and mom economies and minds .



Nobody supposed to live in a swamp .
We're all supposed to be http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com http://purplemountainsmajesty.info

The whole money system is going up and down and round and round .
It's about fixing our dad and mom children neighborhood homelands .
It's not about sex , sex , sex . we all need http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info and http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com
Rich man and woman , poor man and woman have been walking in and out of bathroom's next to each other all our lives .

Let's make our community dad and mom children neighborhoods 100×'s plus greater . These are the perfect times to do that .

We built everything that we needed including big machinery that mass produces everything we need .

Great equipment to fix our dad and mom homelands so they don't fall down .

Dads and moms , the original home town workers .
The following url's all go to the same website .

We are all sons and daughters .
We need to fix Boston , R.I. California , etc .
Not supposed to overpopulate your lover your friend . Abortion is a sad oporation .
So our http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com
Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com homelands don't fall down .

We need homes for the homeless shelters named
Http://breastcancercandisapear.info Love for the opposite sex .
Not over populate your lover your friend .
Abortion is a sad opporation .

Corona virus started in China .
Crumbling churches .
Over populating themselves can stop .
Abortion terrorising dad's and mom's and lover's .
Messing brain waves born and unborn .

Dad's and mom's are citizens too .
Pray China and nations calm .
Zero to sevenish children .
Corona virus started there .
World wide dad and mom economy crashing because of same sex marriages and over populating our lover our friend .
Http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com .

We're not supposed to be sex , sex , sex abortion , over populatting our selves or same sex marriages . Everyone that ever won the lottery need's
Thats what we all need 
Http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.com .

so our http://dadandmomradsystemplanet.com don't fall down .Time to reframe from embracing . May we be healthy and have good neighborhoods . Same sex marriages and internet sex , sex , sex messes brain waves .

We need to be social communicators and be at peace healthy about reproductive powers .
Dad and mom birthday suit reproductive neighbor homelands . http://purplemountainsmajesty.info
Abortion messed community brain waves and messes unborn children brain waves . http://Loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info is what it is all about .
We need to fix our old and new dad , mom neighborhoods so our homelands don't fall down . Community .

   Why did the unknown soldiers die . Our teacher wanted us to have what they wanted . Male and female , dad and mom star's in the sky , don't over populate your lover your friend http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info
Boston elite went in the wrong direction.
When they stand and when they sit and when they sleep . Sadness . Governor is in the wrong direction with Deval messing the Democrats and the Republicans and dads and mom's and churches and children . No home in our home town for the homeless . Wrong direction with same sex mariages . There's a time to reframe from embracing . Zero to sevenish children . No one should be overpopulating our lover our friend . Dad and mom , children old and new homeland's .
We were not made to be an internet sex , sex , sex homelands

No Republican write in ballot spot .
Boston needs to be renewed etc. ... Not be communism , or  vaticanism . Same sex marriages wrong direction . Wrong direction creating homosexuals and lesbianisms in the school system etc. ...

Dad's and mom's built it .

Covid- 19 vacations killing it .

The dad , mom , child planet was born for us to be transformed into
Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com mountains . The economy is a eight thousand year mess . Dad's and mom's built it for us to have everything we need through rugged tuff centuries . We have been donating and building things for our old and new dad and mom and children neighborhoods all our lives . Same sex marriages and abortion is hemoraging the homelands . http://purplemountainsmajesty.info


Nobody is supposed to be sex , sex , sex .

Massachusetts messed the brother and sister State of California and visa versa .
The golden domes are supposed to be

Leporsy , polio , breast cancer , diabities can disappear .


We are the people of the Lord . Where ever we go what ever we do . We are the people of the Lord .
There's a time to reframe from embracing .
Abortion is a sad opporation .
50,000$ and lower people are citizens too .
Single dad's and mom's are citizens too .
9 billion approximately people out there .
We need to fix our old and new dad , mom , children neighborhoods so they don't fall down .
It's a dad and mom , children homeland planet not same sex marriages .
Zero to sevenish children .
Don't over populate your lover your friend .
Http://Loveshallremain.info .
Please share this . Spread this around .

Chatastopheis need my website to fill the mountains and the whole planet . God's true love overcomes our messed cities , towns and villages . http://loveshallremain.info

Fed"s lowered the interest rate's .
About 40 years ago on our savings accounts . We need our credit card interest rates lowered .
Senator Bidden is a white Obama storm .
Crashing the news including the economy .
The interest rate"s are a sad Boston money strangler . Fifty thousand and lower dad's and mom"s are citizens too . Even when we are single . We built the neighborhood dad and mom children homeland's . Not Hitler . Germany"s economy inflated sadness .

Community not politics .     Polio , leporsy , breast cancer can disappear etc. ...  We're all supposed to be http://GreenGrassMulchEtc.info and landscaping not same sex marriages . Dads and moms built the place for dads and moms and children to have everything we need through centuries of rugged hard work . Both sides of the dad and mom streets and planet . Nobody comes from same sex marriages . We need to fix our ole new and old dad and mom neighborhood homelands so the place homelands don't fall down . Let's make it 100 plus x's better .

 http://PleaseGoToMyWebsite.Org  Clean Boston

Joe Bidden is messing the place like Hitler .   Homes for the homeless named http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.com

Zero to fiveish to sevenish 1 , 2 , 3 , 4ish ,  children making is forever .

Don't over populate your lover your friend , that's bad for your stress level .

Love you . Abortion is a sad operation .

   Community .

Money flow system is strangling the economy .
We need the money flowing for the working people system under 50,000 dollars so the top of the money system doesn"t crumble .
People rubbing elbows with thousands aand millions of dollars need to get the money system flowing for their less fortunate neighbors as a circulating system .
Adding one dollar a day for 3 hundred day's and another dollar a day for the next 65 days for the rest of the year and getting the procceeds directtly to the people fifty thousand and less sow that the system flows and doesn"t crumble .
 The Boston high interest rate money Boston STRANGLER IS Destroying the economy . People are destroying their own economy with money and attitudes .

Friend making is forever .

Thanksgiving , Christmas and Easter cleansing bathing water . Male and female . Fix Boston . http://purplemountainsmajesty.info

We get more work done with our clothes on .   

Help get the economy going . Invest in penny stocks . Get a free stock here . 


    Please copy and paste this domain in the top address bar . Thank you .                                                                                                      

It's not about sex .

We need http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info    http://WeallneedV8juicehamburgersetc.com  .

These and most of the URL's go to this website .

We all need to fix our dad , mom , children homeland's so they don 't fall down .

Been praying for hockey player's and their neighbor's all our live's .
We should all be fixing our own http://coolhockeyplanetearth.info homeland's and the Russian's and Chineese too .

Italy and all of us need  http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info http://purplemountainsmajesty.info

I have decided to run for congress again . People need to fix  the place for dad's and mom's and their children it's been built for them to have http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info True Jerusalem peace plan . Many a basic neighbor have been down the road building fixing and donating for the basic neighbor to have everything we need . Dad and mom basic you and me . http://purplemountainsmajesty.info

When a person skate's off the ice they leave a mark . Grace is like the new water . It coat's the ice new .
Jesus came to make people whitter than snow . Peace and eternal life to us . May we be new in spirit and be son's and daughter's of God . Good skating and life to you and the children and the neighbor's . http://fixthisdadandmomneighborhoodplanet.info

Good prayer before meal time  .
In the name of the Father , mother , son and daughter , Holy Ghost , Holy Spirit , Holy saint's , arch angels and angels we pray in thanksgiving for Thanksgiving , Christmas and Easter for past present and future blessings that we have all received through Jesus Christ our Lord , Male and female Love amen .

Please copy and this website and fix our homeland's . P.S. Thank you Thomas D. DeVisscher Facebook.com/tomddevisscher

Hyper inflation hit Massachussetts . Not caring about the dad , mom hometown citizen's that built the place like we are supposed to be .
City budget up 82 million plus in two terms 4 year's . One city hall alone .
The goverment bank accounts have the system people touching millions everyday . This has caused hyper inflation .
It is not healthy for our dad , mom son's and daughter's community . Diversity is killing the basic community unity money flow . The price of a house is high on both side's of the street . Dad , mom son and daughter's need the job system going and our mind flow's not to be diversified wrecking our mind system and our work place's . Our radio and tv and newspaper people need to be dad , mom , son and daughter good activity people .
We need to get people to fix their own homeland's . We have created everything we need for dad's , mom's , son's and daughter's to do that  ..
Help get jobs going . Invest in penny stocks . Get a free penny stock here http://investgetjobsandtheeconomygoing.com
We need the nation's to have the good health of fixing their own dad and mom birthday suit homeland's without overpopulating ourselve's .
Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info love . Abortion is a sad oporation . Don't get her pregnant in the first place . Don't overpopulate your lover your friend . It's not supposed to be a naked internet . Donating to homeland's all our live's . Load's of quality tool's to fix our dad and mom homeland's . http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info http://loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info.

Any where we male and female's can pull a internet connection out of our pocket's and see nakedness .
Let's be healthy about it . http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info

May our http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.info nation's , cities , town's and village's have http://goodbathroomsandneighborhoods.info Let's make it 100'xs plus greater . Load's of quality tool's to fix our homeland's .

It's not supposed to be a naked internet . Be healthy about it .  We are not supposed to be a dirty peep show planet and ragging on dad's and mom's .

(There's a precious donate button 3/4th of the way down the page . Please donate to help . sincerly thankful Thomas D. DeVisscher)

Ton's of hard work built this http://dadandmomroadsystemplanet.info

Let us fix our dad and mom homeland's . Spread http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info
We all need it and it the website is with the whole planet . We fit together like a puzzle and that shouldn't be puzzling . Be healthy about it . We get more work done with our cloth's on .

It's not supposed to be a naked internet . Naked internet did not build this dad and mom planet . Dad's and mom's are the original citizen's and original worker's . http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info http://dadmomroadsystemplanet.info http://purplemountainsmajest.info

Working , building thing's and donating thing's for dad's and mom's and their children to have everything they need . http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info love . Boston is messing Massachusetts and our school system , children , teacher's , dad's and mom's and economy city , town's and village's . Make Boston 100 time's plus greater .

http://fixthisdadandmomneighborhoodplanet.com so it don't fall down . Dad's and mom's the original hometown worker's made everything dad's and mom's and children and our son's and daughter's needed to have a good future .
India and load's of us know this  Don't overpopulate your lover your friend , abortion is a sad operation . Same sex marriage is the wrong direction for people and the planet . People can be free from homosexuality and lesbianism .  http://breastcancercandisappear.info home's for the homeless . http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info http://dadmomroadsystemplanet.info http://purplemountainsmajesty.info

In 1917 the Russian's needed
Http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info love .
We should all be fixing our dad and mom old and new neighborhhood's and making the place 100 time's plus greater . America , China , Russia , Germany , Check Republic , Switzerland , Sweeden , Brazil , Argentina . Etc ... Http://loveshallremain.info
Plenty of great quality tool's out there to do so .
Get our mind's on it . Curse breaking . http://purplemountainsmajesty.info

The fountain of youth is with us . We are all son's and daughter's . it need's to be a dad and mom birthday suit internet not a naked internet
zero to sevenish children is very good for you . Don't overpopulate your lover your friend .

Dad , mom , forgiveness , love and goodness homeland's need purple mountains majesty . info  
Good building and bridge inspector's etc... .
Not overpopulate our lover our friend .

News Story .
I have decided to run for the congressional seat now occupied by Joe Kennedy .
Republican .
Thomas D. DeVisscher (/1/29/20)

All nation's need to fix their
Http://dadmomroadsystemplanet.info and our Charlie tuna homeland's and ocean's .
Dad's and mom's are citizen's to . Tax payer's are citizen's too . Dad's and mom's the original hometown worker's don't belong broke . We need the money flowing for the tax payer's so the mountain's stop crumbling . A community money flow system with business's and the worker's working for the dad's and mom's and children to have good ole neighborhhood's .
Dad's and mom's the original hometown original foundation not same sex marriage's . Same sex marriage's is wrecking the economy and school system and the breakfast lunch and dinner . info
We love our neighbor's and pray they be single or with the opposite sex . Zero to sevenish children .
All nation's's need moderate population growth . Please don't over populate your lover your friend .

The url's domain's on this page are key word's that hook back up to this website .

Why did the chicken cross the road ? .
He wanted dad's and mom's to have good homeland's .
Dad's and mom's the original good worker's , good neighbor's built everything we need to have good homeland's . Foundation of the planet and school system.
Food and road's for 8 thousand year's .
Don't overpopulate your lover your friend . Bad for your stress level .

I'd like to take you all landscaping . Love and goodness . ( We should all be praying for each other to have good cities town's and village's . ) http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info http://purplemountainsmajesty.info  http://goodbathroomsandgoodbehavior.info Male and Female . http://breastcancercandisappear.info http://fixthismarathonplanet.info Dad and mom bed soar's no more , Rape no more , extra tampons i the woman room's . Set England and India free etc...  We are not supposed to drive through Boston and forget what sex we are .  ( Please Bookmark this website so you and other's can revisit it . ) 

Dad , mom curriculum school system homeland . Same sex marriage's messes the foundation of our economy and homeland's . Dad's and mom's are the original worker's and don't belong broke . We need to fix our forgiveness , love and goodness homeland's . dadmomroadsystemplanet.info

I feel the rain drop's in Africa .
I feel the rain drop's in India.
I feel the rain drop's all over the world .
May you have good and old dad and mom neighborhood' s ,

Been down the road fix'en old and new neighborhood's . For unseen neighbor's and the grandchildren ,
With other's for people to have everything they need ,
hop'en the neighborhood's be good we pray before each meal in Thanksgiving , Christmas and Easter spirit for what we have .


The road is narrow on both side's of the street .
We could make our vehicle's 1/2 a foot skinnier and that would give us 1 foot extra room . We can remove 1/2 a foot of sidewalk on both side's of the street where possible or 1 foot or so . Thing's take time .
Galvanized steel is very timely  especialy around the power steering boxes and wheel well front and rear end system's to save our planet . Even the element's respond to good will .
Water well's for the low level's of our Real Estate are inexpensive .
Curtailing population growth to zero to seven ish children for those that are not having children right now is very good not to overpopulate your lover your friend .
Abortion is a very sad operation .
Love .
We pray people have good male female mind flow all our live's .

What happened ? A few people messed Massachusetts . Some  of the church ' s went sour with same sex marriage's . They all need my website http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info  The governor's office manipulated the voting process . The city hall would not give me nomination paper's for congress , Joe Kennedies office wouldn't help , the secretary of state's office wouldn't help and a phone # for Washington D.C. wasn't simple found on the internet . Massive manipulation of the voting system by the governor . The Sun Chronicle took my 270.00 $ add and money and returned it and would not print it . The following add .  I decided to run for congress again .  We all need http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info

You can leave America if you don't love your neighbor . We love our neighbor and pray they be single with the oposite sex .
America is the mother , father , brother , sister , aunt , senior's , daughter , uncle , grandfather , son , nation . Zero to sevenish children is very good not to overpopulate your lover your friend .
Let's make America great again . Let's make america great again . info
People need to fix their own dad , mom homeland neighborhood's .
  Extra tampons in the woman's , rape no more .Don't over populate your lover your friend , bad for your stress level and your homeland . We need to fix our old and new dad , mom son and daughter neighborhood homeland's so they don't fall down and the planet live's . P.S. Abortion is a sad  operation . Don't get her pregnant in the first place .

 Moderate population growth and fix the ocean's . We did good for the ozone layer and need to continue . Great Landscaping in China .

The system is beyond 2,1/2 in California and Massachusetts . Fix' em , Forced health Care is unconstitutional . People simply can't afford it . Some people .

Paypal and the phone system has not worked well at all through all these year's .

And the pastor said you can now kiss the bride , so all the men in the church did so and did all the woman . Who's at fault .
It's supposed to be Extra tampon's in the woman's room , rape no more  Praying for Germany , England , China , India and    Http://GoodHomeLandSecurity.info  , purple mountains majesty . info    

Supposed to moderate population growth and be healthy about it . Dad's and mom's need to be free . Be good community . Fix this that and the other thing because we need to and we can . Http://HoneyLifeCoach.info http://BreakfastLunchAndDinnerAndGoodActivity.info http://PurpleMountainsMajesty.info May you have A Bundant life and have it to the fullness . Fixing our own homeland's . Http://FixThisMarathonPlanet.info . Load's of Quality tool's to do so and get our homeland's set for the future . Fixing our new and old Dad , mom neighborhood's homeland Planet .

http://PurpleMountainsMajesty.info . World Wide Internet Mountain Movement .

Obama went in the wrong direction with same sex marriage's and transgender public bathroom's . Men Please use the men's room's and woman please use the woman's room's . We need to be http://coolfootballhockeyplanetearth.info http://purplemountainsmajesty.info

Let's make our dad , mom , son and daughter neighborhood's 100X's plus greater .
This is with the North Pole and the South Pole . That's what the North Pole and the South Pole and you and me need .

May we have good dad , mom , son , daughter , male , female mind , flow and http://fixthismarathonplanet.info . Wishing you a great day.
World Wide Internet Mountain Movement .

 Massachusetts and all of us need this website -  http://extratamponsinthewomansroomsRapeNoMoreGoodForAllNations.info http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info Not supposed to be same sex marriage's , not supposed to be , transgender bathroom's , not supposed to be rape . We pray for children and their neighbor's to be healthy male's and female's , work and donate . dad's and mom's built this homeland http://dadmomroadsystemplanet.info http://purplemountainsmajesty.info

The mountain's are dad , mom , son and daughter mountain's , not same sex marriage's . Abortion is sad love and touch . Not good for people's mind flow . Sex and abortion looking at our mother's , sister's daughter's , aunt's and gramma's is sadness , love our lover without making an unwanted pregnancy and care about England , Germany and India etc... woman . Unmess with goodness , forgiveness , our Lord Jesus , Thanksgiving , Christmas and Easter male and female . Dad , mom , son and daughter , Jesus forgiveness beleiving in goodness cleansing bathing water not vatican .

Please promote . This is your's and mine website .
Male , female http://goodbathroomandgoodneighborhoods.info

We can put this website into all lanquage's .

Love for neighbor mountain top's http://BreastCancerCanDisappear.info Love for the opposite sex .   Don't over populate your lover your friend . Bad for stress level . We can see India from here , love of neighbor . That's what happened to India , Germany and other place's Extra tampon's in the woman's room's is what we need . Rape no more , Healthy male , female mind flow Transgender public bathroom's wrong . We can see reproduction in action on the internet , be healthy about it , we get more work done with our cloth's on . http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info


Dad's and mom's citizen's built it and we get more work done with our clothe's on . Dad's and mom's know it and the UN and the vatican suppossed to be
Fixing for grandchildren and neighbor's and orphan's all our live's through the tuff time's .
http://extratamponsinthewomansroomsoverpopulatelovershomelands.info  ttp://extratamponsinthewomansroomsoverpopulatelovershomelandsnomore.inf o We pray for our neighbor's to be healthy all our live's . Star's in the sky , hand's over our heart's and our neighbor's and homeland's to be healthy .
. Citizen's are citizen's too . Fix their http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info
Forgiveness , love and goodness , time and space .



We pray China calm's down . About 11 billion people on our dad , mom new and ancient neigborhood planet . Germany was over populating itself and abortion and hitler came along . Love , don't create a pregnancy in the first place . Care about your homeland planet and your neighbor's . Abortion is bad love and touch for our mom's , sister's , aunt's , gramma's , neighborhod attitude's about the beauty of good love and touch for our people and our homeland's . India stood up because thing's went wrong about reproduction . We can see reproduction on the internet and have healthy neighborhood's . http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info Load's of quality tool's to fix our dad , mom , new and ancient neighborhood's . Be healthy about reproduction . It's ment to be good .

Mitt Romney should be saying that we all need to be fix'en our dad , mom , ocean planet and that dad's and mom's are the original home town worker's don't belong broke all over the planet and same sex marriage's and transgender bathroom's and  Massachusetts is gong in the wrong direction's http://dadmomroadsystemplanet.info  . Good love'n not unwanted pregnancies and abortion .

Governor Edward King Jr. was a great Dad , mom , children , son and daughter governor .

Let's get thing's back on track . It's supposed to be dad , mom republican Parties . Not same sex marriages . Not transgender bathroom's . Good dad , mom cities , town's and village's . http://FixthisMarathonPlanet.info http://BreakfastLunchandDinnerandGoodActivity.info http://DadMomRoadSystemPlanet.info http://BreastCancerCanDisappear.info Quality love'n not abortion. Sending a woman for an abortion after loving is sadness . Abortion between a woman and doctor in tuff case's . http://TheOceansNeedFixenForYoungLovers.info . We pray China calm's down and has moderate population growth .

A good woman's movement is a good man's movement . Don't over populate your lover your friend . That's bad loving and bad touch . We need extra tampon's in the woman's room's . Rape no more .  Set England and India free etc ... 

    We have become so sexually exposed by the internet that we must become sexually immune to degenerate emotion's and make the place 100x's plus greater , We live learn , love and grow and become healthy about all thing's . Http://loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info  Moderate population growth and fix our own dad , mom home land's .

Holy angels of God our Guardian's dear , from whom God's love put's you here , ever this day be at our side's to light and guide us and guard and help us Amen .

Come Holy Ghost , Holy Spirit , Creator bless and in our heart's and mind's take up thy Heavenly  rest . Come with thy grace and Heavenly aid to light and guide us and protect us from hex's and curse's , blasphamies and lies , and whamies and curse's and murder , theivery and brokeness and may we be healthy at the age we are at .

We pray 116 years become's a young age through science and medicine in Jesus Holy name Amen . Non Denominational . May our communities be good . http://goodbathroomsandgoodneighborhoods.info  http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info

  Our dad , mom , mountain top God bless Thanksgiving , Christmas , Easter neighborhood blessed breakfast , lunch and dinner and good activity homeland's need us to love our lover and friend without sending them for an abortion and we need to fix our ocean's for our grandchildren . We need to end same sex marriage's and transgender bathroom's . Donald Trump , We the United State's and Mexico and the rest of us need to have great homeland's . The wall is good for Mexico and America . God blessed loving goodness for our boarder wall country planet . Love for our lover our friend .Love for our lover our friend without over populating them . Lesbianism is messing our national TV dad , mom homeland's.

Homeland's need to pass an Indian act of 2019 . Please don't overpopulate your lover your friend . We need washer machine's and dryer's , refrigerator's etc... and good http://dadmomroadsystemplanet.info http://14foraslimjim27asmoke54forafattyfixthepotholesinthee… http://fixthismarathonplanet.info We all need to fix the Ocean's and we all need the Indian Act of 2019 .

From Egypt to here it' all dad , mom son , daughter road's and landscaping . All the king's and queen's need dad's , mom's son's and daughter's to have good homeland's and ocean's . A beautiful landscaping ozone http://fixthismarathonplanet.info website . May you have a good day my facebook neighbor's . http://purplemountainsmajesty.info

We know why India stood up . For dad's and mom's and children to have good homeland's . Sow Dad's and mom's and their children could have good neighborhood's . A sanitary basket of tampon's in our bathroom's incase a woman has an emergency with love for the opposite sex . A good civilization planet . http://coolhockeyplanetearth.info We can put that on our licence plate's .

 At the top . Let's be good worker's . We can see nakedness in the city , town and village hall's at all age's on our phone's etc... We get more work done with our clothe's on and once again please don't over populate mother's , daughter's and aunties . Be healthy about it . Dad's , mom's the original home town worker's . May local citizen's have good local cities , town's and village's ! May the true spirit of the marathon blossom and grow forever . http://Breastcansercandisappear.info Woman's Daytona 500 , not same sex marriage's ! Marathon , Boston wrong direction for 15 year's . And let's not overpopulate mothers , daughter's and aunties for as we know that causes the people's marathon to get messed . Easter already came Walk in showering tub's for our elder's .

Let's get thing's back on track . It's supposed to be dad , mom republican Parties . Not same sex marriages . Not transgender bathroom's . Good dad , mom cities , town's and village's . http://FixthisMarathonPlanet.info http://BreakfastLunchandDinnerandGoodActivity.info http://DadMomRoadSystemPlanet.info http://BreastCancerCanDisappear.info Quality love'n not abortion. Sending a woman for an abortion after loving is sadness                                                                                                               

http://facebook.com/tomddevisscher         We need to fix our ancient cities and ocean's sow they don't fall down . Ocean's need fix'en . We should all be fix'en our own homeland's . We have load's of quality tool's to do that . 

Zero , One , two ,five , seven or sow children is nice to make up for those who are not having children . The worker's have been helping the less fortunate all these year's . Dad's , mom's the original home town worker's that have been going the extra mile's all these year's . Please don't over populate your lover your friend . http://goodbathroomsandgoodbehavior.info

Please don't forget to fix the ocean's because we eat them ! http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info  We can feed this place 100X's faster today than 100 year's ago . Free Enterprize is not a dirty word ! http://dadmomozonelayerfix.info

On this Mother's day we have great landscaping going on with big machine's making everything our dad , mom , planet need's ! Everyday is dad , mom , day . They go to work and build the dad , mom place for 8000 year's ! We can feed the place 100X's faster today thank's to the free enterprize system dad and mom neighborhood's ! Please don't overpopulate the ocean's , your lover's and friend's ! We fit together like we were created the opposite sex and we need to be healthy about it . May we have a great dad , mom future . http://fixthismarathonplanet.info http://breastcancercandisappear.info http://goodbathroomsandgoodbehavior.info P.S. oil wel's all over the ocean's may give way to the ocean floor's collapsing and creating tusamies .Quality Electric car's showing up just in time . http://dadmompurplemountainsmajestry.info

We need to care about the Indian ocean . (people ate it ) Not overpopulate mother's , daughter's and aunt's and not waste community money having abortion's . {people need to intimate without conceiving . Love . http://breastcancercandisappear.info http://fixthismarathonplanet.info http://goodbathroomsandgoodbehavior.info http://Awomansdaytona500notsamesexmarriages.info

Mile's to go before the Ocean's are fixed , Don't overpopulate your lover your friend , Don't over populate yourselve's , Fixthismarathonplanet.info Breastcancercandisappear.info Goodbathroomsandgoodbehavior.info

http://coolhockeyplanetearth.info http://coolfootballhockeyplanetearth.info Justice for all . Dad's mom's don't belong broke all over our country side homeland planet . We can feed this whole place 100x's faster today than 100 year's ago . http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodbehavior.info Same sex marriage's messe's our dad , mom , planet . So do's overpopulating your lover your friend . Dad's , mom's the original home town worker's went the extra mile's for their children and neighbor's and built the place . http://dadmompurplemountainsmajestry.info

Load's of us are fixing our cities town's and village's planet . Load's of years , (centuries ) of extra work making our dad , mom's , worked through bum deal's wishing thing's were better and many time's not being able to be their with us their children . Dad's and mom's are human too , We learned to say mama and papa . We know sadness . The cities , town's and village's were messed up and we don't blame'em http://loveshallremain.com http://loveshallremain.info http://loveshallremain.org http://loveshallremain.global http://loveshallremain.care stablize Thanksgiving , Christmas , Easter already came . We all need http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info 

  Love in bed and love in the neighborhood is http://loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info HAPPY EASTER . http://dadmompurplemountainsmajestry.info A chineese woman told her soldier husband that they could hold each other without making another child and save the abortion money for the community and the ocean . May it be a moderate population growth http://fixthismarathonplanet.info http://breastcancercandisappear.info http://goodbathroomsandgoodbehavior.info dad and mom and single people marathon I'd have five more children for those that are not having children when I 'm 65 , in the mean time i will continue to help the free enterprize people have a good future . We donated to China all our lives and helped build the dad and mom earthquake place .

A good dad , mom , vacation plan for the whole planet . They built the whole place . May you be healthy at the age your at and the cities be good . http://dadmompurplemountainsmajestry.info Day by day . Love already came . There's plenty of hope .

I week after 5 years , 2 week's after 8 year's , 3 week's after 12 year's , 4 week's after 16 year's , 5 week's after 20 year's with one week a year inbetween year's . http;//fixthismarathonplanet.info http://breastcancercandisappear.info http;//goodbathroomsandgoodbehavior.info The economy is flexable by individual charitable cup's . We don't all need a million dollar's and capitol investment money keep's the place running   

We all need http://Awomansdaytona500notsamesexmarriages.info We all need walkin tubes and shower's for our elders 65 years and older . Thanksgiving , Christmas and Easter already came . And not overpopulating mother's , daughter's and aunt's . We can feed this whole place 100 X's faster today than 100 year's ago thank's to our elder's . Our dad , mom elder's city , town and village hall's .  http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info

We said clean Boston . We didn't say mess up our city , town and village hall's , the marathon and our dad , mom school system with same sex marriage;s and transgender bathroom's . http://dadsmomscreationandgoodhomelands.info http://loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info  Admitting Boston and the marathon has been wrong for fifteen year's we can fix our http://dadmompurplemountainsmajestry.info mountain's . http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info

 Purple mountain's majesty for our dad , mom homeland planet ! Please don't waste community money on abortions , instead upgrade our live's to http://loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info                    http://fixthismarathonplanet.info http://breastcancercandisappear.info http://goodbathroomsandgoodbehavior.info http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info http://yellowlightredlightgreenlightstopandgoandbegoodneighbors.info

I wanna help take you all somewhere ! I'd like to take you all landscaping etc. ! We need to fix our ozone layer so our planet live's ! Population growth effect's not only our ozone layer it effect's everything we do ! We all need landscaping and be healthy about population growth ! http://qualityhoneybeebeehivelandscapingplanet.info http://loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info P.S. Don't forget to fix the Ocean's .

 http://loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info  http://letsmakeourmountainsandvalleysgreatagain.info . 14 years of 14 hundred million $ money path of the homosexual past mayor messed our dad , mom economy because of Obama and same sex marriage's because of not having my website . Daytona 500 for woman not same sex marriage's . http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info  

    We make everything we need by big machine's !

Male and female mountain top's , male and female water bubbler's , Christmas already came . Home's for the veteran's and homeless called http://coolhockeyplanetearth.info http://loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info Common law marriage's . We hope people be single or with the opposite sex .

Good mountain for our son's and daughter's . http://loveshallremain.com  

Thanksgiving , Christmas and Easter showering night and day already came . Male , female mountain top's ! Home's for the veteran homeless called http://coolhockeyplanetearth.info http://loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info Promoting til we achive success .

 Love for our dad , mom , son daughter planet . http://Loveshallremain.com lease don't over populate mother's , daughter's and aunt's it's bad for your stress level and planet . Please fix this dad , mom , son , daughter male , female unknown soldier , http://coolhockeyplanetearth.info planet ! http://breastcancercandisappear.info http://Loveshallremain.com . Lift up great mountain people male , female that love our son's and daughter's .

The top of the mountain's are supposed to be good for the bottom of the mountain's . The important thing's get done ! http://coolhockeyplanetearth.info . Moscow is suppossed to be a cool hockey planet Earth city not one child only favoriting male children like China destabalizing China and the world economy ! Woman wouldn't have abortion's if they were loved like they are supposed to be . Lover's don't make a person every time they are intamit . Loving cuddling is loving cuddling . A woman's Daytona 500 is what we need not same sex marriage's .  Veteran's in the street and local homeless people it should be a crime .! Wrong activity like men tinkleing in the ladies room and ladies tikleing in the men's room and the boy scouts learning to french kiss boy scout's and the girl scout's learning to french kiss girl scout's ! http://coolhockeyplanetearth.info http://loveshallremain.com http://letsmakeourmountainsgreatagain.info  We are all supposed to be http://coolhockeyplanetearth people and all of the king's need landscaping .

Green leaf drink . I donate to earth quake victims all over the planet . I am a minority . Http://14aslimjim27asmoke54forafattyfixthepotholesintheeconomy.info     True market value when valued next to a mixed drink and good neighborhood's . Class a driver . I don't smoke the stuff . I got work to do . Medical maujuana is medical marajuana . 14$ for a slim jim good for our homelands . A man''s wife with 5 children told him she was pregnant . That earth quake's a load of men . Http://loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info P.S. Jack the price up above all nation's problem's and when people smoke they will know they are helping our dad , mom , son , daughter communities !

   We can fix this place with one Honeybee beehive at a time .  We can put Honeybee beehive's next to our city , town and village hall's and home's for the homeless and orphanage's to fix the eco system for the planet ! http://qualityhoneybeebeehivelandscaping.info  We don't need the ozone layer falling on our head's ! http://dadmomozonelayerfix.info

 Thanksgiving , Christmas and holiday restoration act of 2017 . During the week of all Federal holiday's the 50,000 dollar and lower citizens can take out three different withdrawal's from the state treasury's of 30$ . Also the same sex marriage's are no longer valid and the public transgender bathroom's is withdrawn ! http://dadmomsondaughtercleansingbathingwater.info http://letsmakeourmountainsandvalleysgreatagain.info We can fix Texas and make it 100 plus time's greater with 20$ , 15$ and 10$ labor !

27$ a smoke ! 20$ was to low for us to have good homeland's ! http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.info 14$ for a slim jim , 27$ for a smoke , 54$ for a fatty for us to have good homeland's ! http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.info All the king's and us need landscaping . http://route1route1aroute27etclandscapingproject.info

See a king , he look's like a guy that need's good landscaping http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.info   See a Queen , now that's a Lady that need's good landscaping ! See a citizen , we all need good landscaping !

 http://LandscapingThanksgivingChristmasEastercleansingbatin… All the king's citizen's Queen's also need landscaping good citizen's neighborhood's ! Not overpopulating mother's , daughter's , aunt's . http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.info  Transgender bathroom's and same sex marriage's is wrong !

Many , many people are not thinking about having 1 to 10 more children because we have better thing's to do like getting our communities to be as  http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.info  http://breastcancercandisappear.info   The way many people have been crossing the marathon finish line since it's begining !

Population growth is not supposed to make us sad . Is that what China is saying . That's what we should all be saying and fix the ocean's and our own homeland's with my website .

Both inside and outside of our building's of our world new's and parade's are our dad , mom homeland parade's original worker's ! http://twitter.comworldnews2night

Wrong direction's and wrong instruction's . That's what same sex marriage's is .The 14 year tragedy to the people's city , town and village halls , money system exposed . Our fatherhood , motherhood , sonhood and daughterhood citizen's city , town and village hall's money system went way off line for forteen year's with same sex marriage's . Our Thanksgiving , Christmas , Easter dad , mom money flowing system is unjustly of line for the citizen's with same sex marriage's ! Look and you shall see that that is true . http://loveshallremain.info . It also messes the natural flowing of people's mind's from the way we are ment to be .

Give us this day our daily blog tip We can galvanize our vehicle's , bridge's and building's , and don't forget to make our neighborhood's http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.info  and http://loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info  Communism is not good for any nation it's supposed to be Thanksgiving , Christmas , Easter good communities . We all need http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.info  

Parade's and good music for dad's , mom's , son's and daughter's ! All our http://beautifulasasonglandscaping.info  lives . Love for the opposite sex http://breastcancercandisappear.info  http://fixthismaratonplanet.info  Please ! http://goodbathroomsandgoodbehavior.info

 Dad's , mom's original toilet paper homeland people ! Please fix your own homeland's and don't over populate mother's , daughter's and aunt's or their dad's , son's and uncle's ! Breast cancer can disappear night and day ! We all need landscaping ! P.S. It's not supposed to be sanctuary cities . P.S.S.  Stop messing your own homeland's and other's ! Don't overpopulate yourselve's ! Make a half a billion plus more sticker's ! http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.info  

Let's make America Great again ! Not Obama same sex and transgender bathroom activity ! Same sex marriage's step in the wrong direction for 14 years . We touch our bodies and love the opposite sex .

The economy ia an 8000 year mess and a 100 year mess ! Moscow should be http://coolhockeyplanetearth.info

Happy happy happy happy happy talk . Talk about the thing's you'd like to do . I love the bird's and the bee's and the flower's and the tree's and the mom's and the dad's and the son's and the daughter's . http://qualityhoneybeebeehivelandscaping.info I'd like to see honeybee behive's on the whitehouse property and landscaping for them , us ! Make your own homeland beautiful with a full strecht of food stamp's for the 25000 dollar and lower dad's , mom's , son's and daughter's ! They are people too and help's the top of the mountain's to stop crumbling ! May people fix their own homeland's ! Moscow ought to be apologizing right about now for messing the economy for 100 years ! They ought to tell everyone to be good neighbor's and go landscaping ! http://qualityhoneybeebeehivelandscaping.info I learned from the best !

 Any homeland where the people are open to having children every time they get together has problem's because of that !  Jesus  priest and priestess's and people married and single not Vatican . We are all supposed to be http://loveinthebedandloveintheneighborhood.info  May you be healthy at the age yo are at .  Breakfast lunch and dinner good activity ! http://exercisegoodactivitypavinglandscapingetcstraightahead.info Woman wouldn't have abortion's being loved like they are supposed to !

    This website is dedicated for Dads, moms, sons and daughters, to have good neighborhoods and good homelands . We are all married and single people , priest and priestess's and lay people .   http://goodbathroomsandgoodbehavior.info  . Same sex marriage's wrong direction .

Good modern health care is essential for good community like good toilet paper ! Male , female , Dr. , nurse's . cna' , s etc. spent year's of education and need like the rest of us a good money flow system ! Let's make America great Again with our community , Cheap affordable health care ! http://loveinbedandloveintheneighborhood.info

  We need our planet to be one website , one for all and all for goodness sake's ! http://breastcancercandisappear.info  

We can fix this , that and the other thing big and small ,  nation's , cities , towns and village's and families with http://qualityhoneybeebeehivelandscaping.info

Thanksgiving , Christmas and Easter are frosting on the cake for the year !

   Love shall remail ! Equal pay for woman . Don't overpopulate mother's , daughter's and aunts , fathers , son's and uncles and don't rape mother's daughter's and anties ! We donate for homelands to be good ! Clean crack's and curve's fight aid's ! Don't over populate your lover's and neighbor's ! Don't waste community money on abortion ! Fix your own homelands ! http://exercisegoodactivitypavinglandscapingetcstraightahead.info

Good for the mountains and the valley's ! 

 Our Republican governer and the area concil of churche's is making mistake's making Massachusetts very sick ! He should be http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.info   I pray for our citizens , the male mayor is married to a man and has sadley helped make our nation go in the wrong direction for 14 years ! Hoping our state become's great again !  With this reality I withdraw my run for governor and continue my journey to help the people's communities  . ! People can take out nomination paper's at their local city , and town office's for their citizen's ! I have this website plan for our dad , mom , son , daughter state , nation ! Hoping for your support ! Local citizen's ( you and your neighbor's ) should not be broke all over the country side with their own goverment being in the wrong directions for our people's mind's ! Let's make America great again !  Yours Truely Tom D Devisscher  It's not supposed to be two men in the tube in the middle of the garden . May the people fix the place .


Love shall remain !
Breakfast , lunch , dinner and good activity and good homelands growing in love ! Christmas is a one child , male , female message , Thanksgiving Christmas and Easter good activity ! We need to make it our florishing garden center planet ! 

We can put Honey bee beehive's next to all our city , town and village hall's and landscape the area's to fix our eco system ! 

Sold for less than 27$ is an under sell of our community ! Medical maraujuna is medical maraujuna and good recreational citizenship is good recreational citizenship !  To much Herb turns Herb into a weed for the community ! Top price it for our dad , mom community to fix the economy and when it is smoked people know it is helping our dad , mom community ! Let's fix the sick economy together ! îšœhttp://herbisnotevilgodgivenseededflowerplant.info Good taxes for the dad , mom , community ! Mexico , India , etc. all need these good homeland policies !

    Very importaint !
Stop blaming yourselves and your neighbors and fix your cities , towns and villages ! They are suppoed to be 24 hours a day http://dadmomsondaughtercleansingbathingwater.info
Their not suppossed to be same sex marriages , nor transgender bathrooms nor abortion . Nobody comes from same sex marriages and abortion and we all need good bathrooms and good behavior !
They are supossed to be http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.info ! http://breastcancercandisappear.info
http://goodbathroomsandgoodbehavior.info P.S. We don't make a baby everytime we say hello to our lover and neighbor because we love ! Love shall remain ! 

 Let's Breath New Life into Our Republic ! We are not Racist ! We know Hockey is good for our whole planet. Fountain of youth that people be free from their growing up problem's ! That's what we need is people as great and greater than Ronald Reagan. GHOST4CONGRESS.COM People.   People need good city halls for people. We can make thing's 100x's plus better. 
Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM has aged well ! http://coolhockeyplanetearth.info

 The Berlin wall and communisml be replaced with http://homelandholidaylandscapingplanet.info

 Breast cancer can disappear. Yes it can . Dad and mom cities. When we use our tools we need to want breast cancer to disappear and when we put our tools in the right place at the end of the day ! We all need our city halls to be good for our woman, ladies and our children ! Fanny May is a dad, mom child birth system that need's .


Ronald Reagan took a shower with love for our son's and daughter's and dad's and mom's to have a good neighborhood's! True religion heart, mind and body good behavior ! We touch our bodie's and love our children. we bath our children and ourselve's and need http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.infohttp://dadmomsondaughtercleansingbathingwater.info

We may not be a pay a lot for our muffler's but we are paying a lot for our ball joint's ! It's not supposed to be two men in bed ! 6 & 9 are good male to female snuggling #'s ! All we are saying is God made things to be good for our dad, mom, son, daughter planet and we fit together like a puzzle and that should not be puzzling !

Water slide's and water parks etc... for the whole planet is a great reward !  Http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.info

Top News Story ! Presidential Greatness Statement #69!
Our satalite city hall planet we are on's great future is cleansing bathing water, landscaping and great city, town and village halls ! 8-15/24 hours a day of good activity. Abortion is a waste of good family and neighborhood money.69. Oral love is a natural between a man and a woman ! Historical new and correct !

Good oral hygne and common decency is prolife ! Not overpopulating our selve's is prolife ! 6 and 9 are pro life male and female ! Clean crack's and fighting aid's is pro life ! Once again mutual love in bed and common decency is pro life ! http://beautifulasasonflandscapingplanet.info is pro-life !

Mr. Captin Morgan's organ is not supposed to be in bed with a man. That's messed up organ music.
Mr. Captain Morgan's organ is supposed to be good organ music. That's what the good girls say . Male and female 69 sweet mutual emotions ! http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.info May children and neighbors have good organ music and movement !

Do something beautiful and useful hyperlink our planet into a great future !

http://beautifulasasonflandscapingplanet.info is pro-life !
#1 http://breakfastlunchanddinnerandgoodactivity.info 

#2 http://goodbathroomsandgoodbehavior.info       

#3 http://fixthismarathonplanet.info

#4 http://breastcancercandisappear.info                                                                                                                                 

 #5 http://dadmomsondaughtercleansingbathingwater.info
#6 http://beautifulasasonglandscapingplanet.info
#7 http://itsourwallyandleaveittobeaverlandscapingplanet.
  #11 http://landscapingartist.info
#14 http://beautifulgermanlandscaping.info
#15 http://beautifulitalianlandscaping.info 
#17 http://dadmomozonelayerfix.info
#22 http://cityhallwhitehousegreenplanetwebsite.info
#23 http://goodcityhallsfordadmomsondaughteroxygenlandscapingplanet.info
#24 http://coolhockeyplanetearth.info
#25 http://rainforestoceanplanetlandscaping.info
#26 http://qualityhoneybeebeehivelandscaping.info

 Become a great Mayor , Congress Person or President !
Remind your citizens to have Fabulous City Hall, city, town, village people running your city halls as you become great Mayors with your own Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet web page. Any-one running for mayor can get their own page and page link for just 100$.Make plans to run today !

   Dads, moms, brother's and sister's wipe their neighbor's bodies with love and with-out looking for a reward ! Let's reward the place with GHOST4CONGRESS. COM and make this place 100X's Greater. All citizens need Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM City Halls !

One for all and all for good city hall's ! We the people can feed the place good city halls faster today than yesterday's economic world wide collasps'es and make it 100X's greater !
Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet ! Beautiful city hall buildings ! Jesus grace water is male, female. The Vatican mess's up our Jesus grace water.

   Ronald Reagan sat in Moscow sow to say for our Children to have good coffee neighborhoods for all their elder's that worked hard all these hard years ! The Ozone layer need's our Attention and many people you know should not be in Debt ! Help bail - out the 50,000 dollar and un-employed and under-employed- Support Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet People One for all and all for Goodness Sake's ! Let's make the grass and economy green on both side's f the street. Fix the economy. This website has been made more simply Beautiful Today !8-15/24 hours of good activity! P.S. The bathroom cleaning Ladies and Men deserve good neighborhood's ! We can Landscape the inside of our City Halls and bathroom's to remind us to be good neighbor's !

   Every second of our lives it is a good showering bathroom planet !May all our cities, towns and villages be good behavior Oxygen plant people ! Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet - Male, Female God's Love for the opposite sex. Not same sex marriage's !  She's Once, Twice, Three Time's a Lady should be our second National Amthem. It already is our first !

  I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make its boast in the LORD; The humble shall hear of it and be glad. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt His name together. (Psalms 34:1-3 NKJV)

Sacred in our heart's. Sacred love when we touch the opposite sex. Sacred love not to overpopulate each other. Sacred love on the city hall etc... bathroom seat ! Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet Beautiful landscaping city hall planet ! God's perfecting love !

Tom D. DeVisscher  May you be free from being fumbled and jumbled ! Our meat, potato and milk planet. We are not the community, we are part of the community. May people be healthy and independent the best they can ! May you have a hearty day !

You took the word's rite out of my mouth!
It must have been when you where Kissing me!
Our Bride and Groom, bathroom, Son and daughter
Landscaping city hall ! Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM
Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet

Ronald Reagan Sailed the world and the Seven Sea's-Pro-life wanting people to be free and have good neighborhood's for our children-families and neighbor's !
Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet
Quality Love in bed and in the neighborhood !

Let's appreciate our law enforcement officers.

Let's appreciate our law enforcement officers.

Ronald Reagan was my type of man ! He wanted the planet people to have 50 plus inaguaral balls not 2 in all the planet ! Free enterpize is not a dirty word ! http://cityhallwhitehousegreenplanetwebsite.info
Some-one please tell Mr. Putin that communism is not the way, the truth and the life ! We should be enjoying a piece of property with our children !

People need people to have good landscaping and good neighborhood's. Praying for the poor and the rich to have everything they need! Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/PLANTS.HTML Bathroom to bathroom, city hall to city hall Oxygen Plant Landscaping. Christmas is a one child good message for the whole landscaping planet. Sacred love when we touch the opposite sex with oral love. Christmas is a one child, male, female, good empowerment message for the whole planet ! People need people to have good landscaping and good neighborhood's. Praying for the poor and the rich to have everything they need! Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/PLANTS.HTML Bathroom to bathroom, city hall to city hall Oxygen Plant Landscaping. Christmas is a one child good message for the whole landscaping planet. Sacred love when we touch the opposite sex with oral love. Christmas is a one child, male, female, good empowerment message for the whole Planet ! http://goodbathroomsandgoodbehave.info

How do you watch population growth. Some people will answer, you look at a baby delivery movie. Male, female Oral love and oral comunication is the solution to our landscaping planet's bride's and groom's delema. I know when love walk's out of the bedroom and sit's at the table that Love truly is the answer ! Jesus is perfecting, loving, bride, groom action walking from the Earth since child birth ! Male and female fullness of goodness . Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet People can be free from homosexuality. Doyou think that we should all walk into the bathroom and have 15 children 9 month's apart. They kinda get tangled up in the bathroom. Beautiful landscaping city halls and white house. Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet ! A person driving a Chevy talking to their neighbor driving a Ford on the Brooklin bridge said that the traffic need's to be good on all six side's of the Brooklin Bridge ! Good bathroom's and good behavior. Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet Good bathroom's and good behavior straight ahead ! That's what everyone need's in India and around the world ! People can be free from our growing up problem's and be the great dad, mom, son, and daughter city, town and village people God's son Jesus, perfecting, loving goodness of our Bride and groom bodied planet ! Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet Good bathroom's and good behavior straight ahead. GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter Coffee house Planet. Dad, mom, cities, town's and village's


Dad, mom, soldier oxygen city perfecting grace behaviour planet before we were born ! Sacred love. From California to Cape Cod our Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet is a 10/4 . 8-15/24 ! God's Star's in the sky and our children in our heart's. We, they need Oxygen Plant's and Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/PLANTS.HTML Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet To have a beautiful city hall America. We can landscape the inside of the city hall buildings.Thank's to God we can feed this whole Beautiful Earth City hall's GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet faster today.

We need a whole lota landscaping for our son's and daughter's.

   Martin Luther King Jr. was saying good bathroom's good behavior and good neighborhoods ! That's what Sarah Palin was saying ! Our Motorcycle and Hockey Mom. China cut down the Chineese Oxygen system ! We wish China a good Christmas message! Christmas is a one child good empowerment message with countries that have big families and are working to fix their population growth. World wide intelligence. Good bathroom's and good neighborhood's ! Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet

Some-one please tell Mr. Putin that communism is not the way, the truth and the life ! We should be enjoying a piece of property with our children !
communism messed up the economy for 98 years !

The donation button doesn/t work.

It won't let me delete it.

  All the more reason our Planet landscaping should be growing inside our Ghost4CONGRESS.COM city halls and white house. Landscaping should be growing from inside our Ghost4congress.com city halls.Bathroom to bathroom city hall to city hall and bathrooms. We can landscape our bathroom's and turn them into tropical rainforest bathroom's to remind us to be good neighbor's.

Great company name ! Helping our honey bee's with a complimentary eca store is great. I will keep you in mind when the economy for me get's better to help you and other's ! Our honey bee city planet need's truly to care for our honey tree planet and each other ! Have a hearty day.Tom D. DeVisscher     Your ad placed here ! 774-300-7888

 Your mind, russian minds, dads and moms,mind the peoples minds all need good soup kitcken workers running the planet beyond communism,nazism,vaticanism,and birthday suit problems ! Good Jesus message before any of us were born ! Travelling in bad weather with good attitudes like all neighborhoods since birth !  Male, Female God goodness Ghost4CONGRESS.COM Buildings ! True need of our White house planet ! Sarah Palin and all of us need the white house and neighboroods to be good for our dad, mom, planet like Ronald Reagan Christmas GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/PLANTS.HTML male, female, dad, mom, people touch their bodies and tar, concrete, brick and building people, need Christmas is a one child, male female good message for the whole landscaping Ocean planet. 

Beyond the mess of politics and religion is good breakfast, lunch, dinner, dad's, mom's, bath water good behavior city, town, and village people's 100X's plus great future ! Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet Beyond Communism,vaticanism and same sex marriage's we are called to be good Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter People

Same sex marriage White House as Dad's, mom's suffer all over our 97 year messed up communist world economy ! Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet - God's love is that people can be free from wrongful sex emotion's ! The economy has been wrecking the dad, mom, planet for year's and year's and year's ! Christmas is a one child good message for our male, female planet. The governor ran the marathon in the wrong direction  ! We are a dad, mom, grace message planet ! Promoting 50 mothers and sister's pro-life senator's.  

  We know Hockey is good for our son and daughter planet. We need a Beautiful Woman in the White House for our children and nation ! We really need our son's and daughter's to have a community revival ! Can you just see our Hockey Mom Sarah Palin in a Santa suit ( We have some great Santa suit's for woman for our children's planet) sitting on Her Harley Davidson helping us have a dad, mom community planet revival. Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Lady president's and senator's etc...! We touch our bodies and love our children ! Fixing the economy day by day ! Like ·Share HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/TomDDeVisscher  Log into facebook and click me in as a friend please !

Father Francis lay's in a Vatican bed ! That's what messed up his head !
Sahar Palin belong's in the white house beyond anything that messes up a mama's bed ! Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet banner's belong flying above everyone's heads ! Our healthy Motorcycle, Hockey mama Planet ! 8-15/24 hours of good activity ! We wash our bodies and our children's bodies and our city hall's need to be Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet City Hall's ! Beyond messed up 8000 year old Religion, politic's, business and money ! Good city, town an village people growing in goodness ! GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/Quality honeybeebeehive-Landscaping belongs growing out of the White House and our city hall's ! Love

Just a quick note on our Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter everyday planet.8-15/24 hour's a day of good activity ! May you live forevermore abundantly !.

 BEAUTIFUL Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet banner belong's over the White House. I made It for You and Him and Me.  BEAUTIFUL Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet banner belong's over the White House. I made It for You and Him and Me not vatican banner's. The Vatican messed up the citie's. 8-15/24 hour's a day! Bathroom to bathroom God's perfecting grace.We can give each other a hand, sometime's by just saying a little pray at mealtime's for our neighbor's. Many of us have 8 finger's and two thumb's ! God made us to love, the opposite sex when we rub our bodies ! Growing in God's perfecting love ! Two finger's are better than one! May our people and children be at peace with love ! We touch our bodies and love our children. We are part of the community and do what we can ! My request is that we have a good day everyday through the tuff time's. May our White house be Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM

   Most people did the math and they know that clean crack's and clean curve's are not the problem.69 is a healthy hearty counting # in bed and being thankful sexual partners is very good. We grow in God's perfecting grace about our bodie's sensation's and good neighborhood's for our children. Christmas is a one child, male, female good empowerment message for the whole Planet.We need partners that are nice in the bedroom and neighborhood and that make's for good music city halls for our dad,mom,son,daughter planet.Heartily yours . Beautiful Earth  Poster Planet. P.S. It's not supposed to be two men in bed. 14 year's in the wrong direction for our Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter planet ! Ten minute's before the day started we all need Ronald Reagan and greater President's !

Our dad, mom, son, daughter economic family table's got messed up royally by same sex marriage's and over population of dad, and mom, our son's and daughter's, and our neighbor's and Rainforest Ocean Planet!(We all need landscaping and Oxygen Plant's) All for one and one for all good city halls for our city foundation planet of dad's and mom's planet's cities ! Beautiful Earth GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet - We can feed this place faster today and make it Beautiful ! GHOST4CONGRESS.COM  belongs at home in the White House.  We should have a 50 state inaugural balls GHOST4CONGRESS.COM White House  ! If a neighbor needed a bath many of us have been trained to give a person one and help them be healthy and independent as God created us to be if they needed one ! That's what type of neighbor's we need running the planet, good behavior ! End of the corrupt election, election day machine !

We need to get a good fuel policy for the country and countries. Our son and daughter planet needs a full tank gas tank policy for emergencies and all nations are son and daughter countries.Three months a 1/2 tank policy then move it to a full tank system. We can see electric cars coming.All cities are son daughter cities and we need to make it 100x's greater.20 minutes of vigiorous exercise a day  and 8 to 15 hours of healthy mind activity is recommended for those that are able and work into that.All city halls need to fix the 8000 yr. messed up economy not turn off peoples water and get money for the unemployed worker,s Beautiful Earth HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker,Poster Planet. just got 100x's more beautiful.Good bathrooms and good behavior straight ahead !

Good Oral communication Male and female and oral love is our son and daughter Beautifull Earth HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Poster Planet .

    Given the gift of caring about family and soldier saftey as a child, same sex marriages has polluted our beloved mating planet.With this I withdraw my Presidential Candidacy and instead I am running for Governor of Massachussetts 2018 Beautiful Earth HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Poster Planet - Massachusetts Governor Candidate ! Looking for a good HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper StickerPoster Planet president that we honestly all need ! Praying our Governor's mansions all be good for our Thanksgiving,Christmas,Easter,Moscow,Berlin,Beihgng,ETC dad,mom,son,daughter city,town and village GHOST4 CONGRESS.COM 50 Mother and sister senator's Thanksgiving, Christmas Easter Planet !

Promoting 50 mother and sister woman Pro=life senator's to get our Green House garden center planet florishing that make it a Christmas is a one child male,female good empowerment message Planet ! May you have a hearty day! Tom D. DeVisscher 

  We need our planet moving at the speed of good city halls,bathroom to bathroom for our son's and daughters.The economy is an 8000 year mess ! Never missed a tailgate party without John Kennedy in my heart ! Beautiful Earth HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/ Bumper Sticker,Poster Planet Governor of Massachussets candidate. 2018

Photo: I have been Tail gate partying with John F. Kennedy all my life ! Happy 4th of July ! Signed Tom D. DeVisscher Beautiful Earth HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/ Poster Planet Presidential candidate
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July 4 ·
We need it to be good city halls on all six side's of da Brookline bridge !  Beautiful Earth HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet. Governors candidate. We need our planet moving at the speed of good city halls.Bathroom to bathroom good behavior for our son's and daughter's. The economy is an 8000 year mess.

Beautiful Earth HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/ Bumper Sticker, Poster Planet Governor  candidate of Massachuseets 2018!
Every major city is a mama and papa worker city ! Martin Luther King Jr. is a true friend of Jesus ! Model A Ford planet ! Free enterprize is not a dirty word ! Please see my Page named - Fantastic Business Page ! P.S. These are all fantastic business pages !

 This whole Rainforest , Ocean planet is a dad , mom , son and daughter planet made by dads , moms , sons and daughters , missionaries , orphans  for dads , moms , sons , and daughters , to have a good future ! Christmas ia a one child good family message good for the whole planet ! Heart , mind and body quardination in the shower , bedroom and neighborhood , God's perfecting love ! We need the planet to up grade to Rainforest , Ocean city hall planet School system ! 

 A Beautiful Earth HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/ Bumper Sticker,Poster Planet Poster ! Moscow , Germany , Italy ETC... 

Good Hockey Jesus Planet Cities ! A Beautiful Planet Earth  Bumper Sticker,Poster Planet Poster !

   Where ever there's a light bulb we can see the Rainforest and need to fix it and the Ocean. Our teachers taught us good will by living it and we need population growth stabalization for the workers you and I to have a good neighborhoods for our neighbors.
Good behavior hockey is a key to world wide good city halls for dads. moms, sons, daughters. HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM
Christmas is a one child Baby stroller good empowerment message for big families and small families, big nations and small nations, We need a pro-life attleboro and city hall planet. Grandmothers are not to be abandoned . This message comes from the truth of a dedicated pro-life worker born of the family loving message in a city that has a city hall with disgraceful problems . Spirits and people got messed up by hormones in our milk and churches . We can make it 100 times greater Jesus Garden . Did you know there's 69 Plus positions of young good apple eaters in bed .Love in bed and love in the neighborhood . Christmas is a one child male , female good empowerment message for the whole planet . Better things to do than waste our money and time on abortions . Breath life into the pro-life movement is good rythym . Abortion between a doctor , mother , family in tuff situation's .
HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/ We don't have to be in bed with someone to be a good apple eater . The planet has gotten heavily populated and to much tar concrete brick and buildings is not healthy for our green planet .So many people that when they open up the hood of a vehicle people have been getting bumped into and under the hood and getting messed up under the hood . We need to fix our own homeland's so they don't fall down .
There is love and forgiveness under the hood . Our Lord compassionate forgiveness , loving goodness is at work to get transportation going good.
Everyone is supposed to live for every city, town and village hall to be good for our dad , mom , son , daughter planet growing in God's perfecting grace .
Beautiful Earth HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/ Bumper Sticker , Poster Planet . This content makes great Bumper Stickers and Posters for our city halls .Everyone at the sport's areana's  need good city halls for the whole planet . So do the people inside the city halls . We can feed this whole place faster today than 100 year's ago . Signed Tommy D. DeVisscher = Friend of work.

Photo: Good Hockey Jesus Planet Cities ! A Beautiful Planet Earth HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/EXERCISE.HTML Poster Planet People Neighborhoods ! -----Jesus Football Planet Etc... ! A Beautiful Planet Earth HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/ Bumper Stickers , Poster Planet Poster !

 Trying to get the people's economy to be good ! Free enterprize capitol ! A Beautiful Earth HTTP://GHOST4CONGRESS.COM/ Bumper Stickers , Poster Planet Poster !  
  People with handi-caps can win races !  Do you know what time it is ! It's ghost4congress.com time ! Time to make all cities , towns and villages GHOST4CONGRESS.COM Communities ! People can get people to be healthy ! We need India to have a good neighborhood planet and everyone else ! Ghost 4 congress . com is good policy ! It should be a beautiful mama's Garden planet ! Why ? Because it should be a Beautiful Papa's garden planet ! Heart , mind and body quardination in the shower , bedroom and neighborhood ! 

Beyond all emotional intellectual absurdities we can make our communities 100 times plus greater !

   From Jerusalem Hearts comes the message and we can make it a 100 times plus better ! Let's have a good future for our grandchildren planet communities ! Join me and multitudes of others journeying to do that ! Let's make Washington D.C. and all cities ghost4congress.com cities !The message of God's perfecting love is with the planet and people !

All cities need to be great for Dads , moms , sons , daughters , missionaries and orphans ! Loving goodness perfecting grace is God's songs ! Fix the economy for the $50,000 and lower people ! Nations ravished by communism for 100 years should have a great future for the workers and mama and papas and sons and daughters with 50 Disney lands etc... and good money flow systems for the fifty thousand and lower people ! Free enterprize is not a dirty word ! 

 Sticker's belongs in every room in D.C. for our grandchildren planet ! Hearty Day !  Attleboro is a church city in Massachusetts and folding their hands with a Gay mayor with no home for the homeless ! Same sex marriages is sadness and needs to end ! Love and romance belongs with male and female lovers and common law marriages and justice of the peace marriages is very good ! 4 major vatican church's in Attleboro that messed up the other church's ! All religion is supposed to be love and goodness and Goodwill ! Growing in God's Loving perfecting grace ! Abortion is not good love and touch and the vatican messes peoples thinking about population growth and male and female lovers should not feel queer about love and intamicy ! Oral love is oral love for our mama and papa planet !  Forgiveness love and goodness is the way ! Christmas is a one child good empowerment message for the whole planet ! Their vatican system is a messed up mans thinking and voting system !  I wish I was backing a pro-life ghost4congress.com woman candidate that wanted us to have a home for the homeless home named ghost4congress.com for Kerry's seat !

     Sitting watching the olympcs that the peoples workers and ma' and pop's put together and the rest of the planet we should all have a good money planet system with good jingle in our pockets with respect for the dads and ma's that died and left us orphans to be good neighbors for ! All the government money systems need to be for a good neighborhood society of the $50,000 and under workers dads , moms , sons , daughters for the top of the mountains to be good shower , bedroom and neighborhood  people !  People with handi-caps can win races ! Free enterpize is not a dirty word !

Believing in good neighborhoods and good leadership we need to be at peace with goodness and believe in good love and touch ! I am sure previous Senator Scott Brown would agree in a world of aprox. 10.5 billion people ! Graduating from the law of good teachers that we be good neighbors and fix the communities we grow to do so ! The orphan mama and papa planet has the foundation fix ! The foundation is we are all mamas , papas , sons , daughters , missionary , orphan and  neighbors of the great economic community and people can stop being sick ! May we be in good health. ! The message comes from Jerusalem !

       I encourage all candidates and citizens to use this platform ! Martin Luther King Jr's spirit and John Kennedy's spirit and this platform is what the planet needs ! We know what our country needs ! A good money flow system for the $50,000 and lower money earners and good neighbor spirit ! A little more money each year a basic worker works right off of the top of the gigantic money pile would help take the burden off of business. ! Stop the dirty politics and religion and loving goodness shall remain ! May every first and last one of us be good neighbors free from our growing up problems ! The White House and all of us are supposed to have good pajama parties for our grandchildren every night !

     Love does not make a person every time love says hello to a neighbor ! The lies of people using powers to make people sick polluted religion ! People being at peace with absolute goodness of goodness and being good growers in life's goodness of loving the mama , papa child birth orphan planet dispelling all self rightousness attitudes, needs to happen and believing in golden good will ! The vatican act's like they know nothing and their system messed up the human race ! Promoting 50 pro-life woman senators ! If woman were held with love like they are supposed to be they wouldn't be having abortions in the first place !  The mountains have money in all four pockets and are an economic steering wheel for people to have a good communities for this dad , mom , son , daughter, missionary Jerusalem message planet ! We need good balanced city halls and economy thinking ! Goodwill and good city halls is a good city system. 

The oldest profession is dads , moms , sons and daughters getting leaving the table and creating neighborhoods and things for dads , moms , sons and daughters ! 

  Love want's us to be free from mountain problems ! Sitting in the mountains good behavior will fix the money system for the $50,000 and lower dad , mom , son , daughter, missionary , orphan , good neighborhood planet the workers built ! This site platform is good for us to have a good male mayor's and female mayor's for our Christmas every day attitude planet!   http://twitter.com/goldencityhalls

         The theme of  " Great Neighborhoods , Great Mayors , Great Leaders , Great Future " the 4 G plan 4 us is with us !

     Want good congress action ! Help people be there ! We are creative inventors ! 


 Pro-file of healthy thinking ! Abortion between a woman , doctor , family in tuff circumstance's .

Christmas is a one child good example for the whole planet !

http://facebook.com/tomddevisscher  Please click me a Facebook  friend request ! May you have a hearty day !

     Golden Love of Martin Luther King Jr. and John Kennedy  be with us ! Perfecting goodness for our families and communities !  http://twitter.com/goldencityhalls  

         Visit this site often ! Adding things to this site often to improve our planet ! Mention it to a neighbor ! Copy and paste all over the planet !

     We are all dads and moms sons and daughters , missionaries , orphans ! We can make it a hundred times plus greater future !


     The worker's and the mama's and papa's built this place for 8000 years and we should be building 50 Disney lands all over the planet  etc...etc...etc... ! One in Egypt , one in Poland , one in the Gaza strip , one in the 38th Parralel and 4 or so in China , one or sow in Russia , one in Germany , and 41 other spots for the workers (dads,moms,sons,daughters) around the word that built great stuff for this dad , mom , son and daughter planet ! I am a table setter of this soup Kitchen planet ! ! I am not interested in a vacation to Disney Land !

Heartily your's Tom D. DeVisscher

         The money system is a water system ! For planet sake's and our grandchildren sake's fix it ! God made us not only to feel good but to be good ! Polish and world workers and dads and ma's and son's and daughter's , missionaries , orphan's built it ! Good thinking and good neighborhoods ! West side story ! Let's build 50 Disney lands and we can cure the pain on all sides of the planet and orphans ! Mama and papa planet !  Heart ,  mind , and body quardination in the shower , bedroom , neighborhood ! Stop blaspheming goodness and forgiveness ! Clean Rags from Jerusalem , love , Jesus ! Male and female goodness ! 

 Landscaping Domain that goes to this web-page ! Such as youcanlinkyourowncityhalletctothispageorwebsite.com We need our city halls to be good for our children from here to Chicago etc... Homes for the homeless named ghost4congress . com It's not supposed to be Mr.homosexuality running our city halls 

RainforestOceanPlanetLandscapers.Info    HoneybeeLandscaping.Info  RainforestOceanPlanetLandscaper.Info  Beehivelandscaping.info
CityHallLandscaping.Info  CityTownVillageLandscaping.info  BerlinHoneybeeBeehiveLandscaping.Info  GoodCityhallLandscaping.Info

Be Creative and choose your own name that you want linked up to this page ! May you have a hearty landscaping city ! Tom D. DeVisscher.

qualitycityhalllandscaping.info  qualitycityhallslandscaping.info qualitymoscowcityhalllandscaping.info qualityberlincityhalllandscaping.info

qualityattleborocityhalllandscaping.info qualitynorthattleborotownhalllandscaping.info qualitypawtucketcityhalllandscaping.info  attleborohomeforthehomelessnamedghost4congress.com cityhallsgoodforourchildrenatmidnight.com


    Snow removal , Large quart's light machine trucks to melt the snow or hot air or electric blowers ! Snow and ice melter's for roof's and same type of system's or better ! Tractor trailer snow blower truck's for our highways that blow the snow of the roads . ! Let's roll America.